Military Science Department

Army ROTC Benefits

The Army ROTC program at Truman State University offers students benefits that range from scholarships, to leadership training, to travel throughout the United States and overseas.

Opportunity for a challenging, important, and well-paid job at graduation in one of many professional fields

Army officers, after initial schooling, are given challenging leadership assignments in student selected fields at home or abroad. Starting compensation is approximately $43,000 per year with annual salary increases and continual opportunities for advancement.

College financial benefits

Students accepted into the Advanced Program (MS III and IV) of Army ROTC receive approximately $8,500 ($450-$500 per month for 20 months, plus pay and transportation expenses for the 4-week summer training session).


Qualifying students are eligible to compete for two- and three-year ROTC scholarships. These scholarships can provide full tuition, a $600 per semester textbook allowance, lab fees, and miscellaneous educational expenses, plus pay a $300-$500 per month subsistence allowance. Three-year and Four-year Advance Designee ROTC Scholarship recipients may additionally qualify for University room and board incentives.

An option of two careers: civilian or military

Students receiving commissions as second lieutenants have the option of requesting four years active duty, or joining the U.S. Army Reserve or National Guard. Reserve Officers fulfill their military commitment by joining a unit near home or wherever they choose to live after graduation. Reserve or National Guard duty can be guaranteed prior to enrollment in MS 200 for most students desiring it.

Competitive salary and benefits

In addition to a competitive starting salary military officers receive special tax incentives, free medical care, 30 days a year paid vacation, and special reduced-price shopping facilities.

Training in leadership and personnel management

Regardless of a student’s area of study or interest, the ability to work effectively with people is a key to personal satisfaction, effective service, and career advancement. The ROTC program at Truman State University provides constant student leadership experiences including practice in planning, supervising, training, counseling, and decision making.

Opportunity for additional training and travel

Cadets can compete for additional military training throughout the United States and overseas. Once commissioned, many Army officers train and travel overseas. Additionally, space-available travel is possible on military aircraft worldwide.

Multiple extracurricular and social activities

The Military Science Department sponsors many Truman student activities. They include the University Color Guard, Cannoneers, Ranger Challenge Team, and Recondo Club.

A meaningful contribution to the defense of freedom and democracy by serving as an Officer in the United States Army

Opportunities to earn an advanced degree with governmental assistance or at governmental expense