Nursing Faculty & Staff

Ms. Brenda Austin
Assistant Professor

My office hours: Mon 9-11, Wed 9-11, Fri 8-12. 
Students may stop by my office to sign up for these times OR may email me for an appointment at other times. 

Personal Pronouns: she/her

Charissa Lohmann
MSN - Non-tenure track, Assistant Professor (Temporary)

Monday - Wednesday - Friday - 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. by appointment.

Also by arrangements. Email to set up an appointment -

Jana Ogden
MSN - Associate Professor - Tenured

Monday/Wednesday: 12:00PM - 5:00PM

Tuesday/Thursday/Friday:  By Appointment 

Students may stop by my office to sign up for an appointment time OR email me to sign up for an appointment