Additional information regarding the various aid types is available online at the following sites:
- Scholarships:
- Grants and Loans:
- Work program:
- Go to
- Sign in with your Truman username and password
- If you have not set up your TruView account, please go to and follow the onscreen instructions to set up your account
- Under “Tools” on the left-hand side
- For students with “Accepted Student Tools,” the link is under the “Financial Aid” box
- For students with “Student Tools,” click on the “Scholarships, Financial Aid, and Loans Tools”
- Click “Online Acceptance (View/Accept Financial Aid)”
- Select the appropriate aid year from the drop-down menu and click “Submit”
- Answer “YES” to the first question (i.e. Will you be attending Truman during the 20XX-20XX Academic Year?)
- Click “Continue”
- Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the rest of the process
- On the last page, click the “Return to Offer List” button
- This will take you back to the first page of the online acceptance process. You should now see a “View Confirmation Page” button. This confirms that you successfully completed the online acceptance.
If you have not yet completed the online acceptance process, follow these steps to cancel your financial aid:
- Go to
- Sign in with your Truman username and password
- If you have not set up your TruView account, please go to and follow the onscreen instructions to set up your account
- Under “Tools” on the left-hand side
- For students with “Accepted Student Tools,” the link is under the “Financial Aid” box
- For students with “Student Tools,” click on the “Scholarships, Financial Aid, and Loans Tools”
- Click “Online Acceptance (View/Accept Financial Aid)”
- Select the appropriate aid year from the drop-down menu and click “Submit”
- Answer “NO” to the first question (i.e. Will you be attending Truman during the 20XX-20XX Academic Year?)
- Click “Continue”
- You will receive a message stating that your financial aid will be cancelled. This confirms that you successfully completed the online acceptance.
If you already completed the online acceptance to accept your aid and have since decided that you will not be attending Truman, contact the Financial Aid Office at 660-785-4130 or at to obtain a Cancellation Form.
NOTE: We cannot cancel Federal loans that were disbursed to your Truman student account more than 14 days ago.
The Truman Access Grant is a University-funded grant offered as a result of the need shown from your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The grant is renewable for subsequent years if you continue to show need from the federal aid application and maintain satisfactory academic progress. The maximum length of eligibility for the offer is eight semesters. Please note: We recommend that returning students file the FAFSA prior to February 1 each year to determine continued eligibility for the Truman Access Grant and other need-based assistance.
Information is available online at
Truman Payment Plans:
Parent PLUS Loan:
Truman Foundation Loans: Contact the Financial Aid Office at
Private/Alternative Education Loan:
Student Employment:
If you have other questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 660-785-4130 or at
Receiving a Verification Worksheet in the mail means your FAFSA was selected by the U.S. Department of Education for review. For this process, we are required by federal law to compare your FAFSA with information on the worksheet and with your and your parents’ (if you are a dependent student) federal tax information. Until verification is complete, federal aid and other need-based aid cannot be paid. For more information, please visit the Verification Checklist page on your TruView account by following these steps:
- Go to
- Sign in with your Truman username and password
- If you have not set up your TruView account, please go to and follow the onscreen instructions to set up your account
- Click the “Verification Checklist” link
- For students with “Accepted Student Tools,” the link is under the “Financial Aid” box
- For students with “Student Tools,” scroll to the “Scholarships, Financial Aid, and Loans” section
- Click “Online Acceptance (View/Accept Financial Aid)”
- Click “Verification Checklist”
You (student) must complete Entrance Loan Counseling and the Master Promissory Note online at by signing in with your FSA ID (FAFSA username and password). Each item will take approximately 15-20 minutes. These items must be completed by the student, not a parent. Step-by-step instructions on how to access each item have been provided below.
- To access the Direct Loan Entrance Counseling session, follow these steps:
- Login to with your (the student) FSA ID
- Click the “Accept” button on the disclaimer
- Click the “Complete Entrance Counseling” option under “Complete Aid Process”
- Click the “Start” button next to “Undergraduate Student” and then click “Continue”
- Select “Missouri” and “Truman State University” from the drop-down menus
- Click the “Add” button and then click “Continue”
- Select the “undergraduate” option for the Student Type
- Follow the onscreen instructions
- To access the Direct Loan Master Promissory Note, follow these steps:
- Log in to with your (the student) FSA ID
- Click the “Accept” button on the disclaimer
- Click the “Complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN)” option under “Complete Aid Process”
- Click the “Start” button next to “Undergraduate Student”
- Follow the onscreen instructions
Any award you receive from an outside organization is referred to as a private scholarship. These awards must be reported to the Financial Aid Office. If you have not yet completed your online acceptance on TruView, you can report the award(s) there. If you have already completed the online acceptance, you can use the Private Scholarship Information Form located online at to report the award(s).
The majority of private scholarships are disbursed through the Financial Aid Office (FAO). In most cases, scholarship donors will send checks directly to the FAO for processing, but not always.
Private scholarship checks should be made payable to Truman State University.
Private scholarship checks can be mailed to the following address:
Financial Aid Office
Truman State University
100 E. Normal Avenue
Kirksville, MO 63501
When mailing a check, please make sure the student’s name and Truman ID number are included either on the face of the check or on accompanying documentation.
If a donor sends a scholarship check to you instead of to Truman and it is payable to you only, you must report it to our office as stated above; however, the check does not have to be submitted to our office. You are welcome to cash it and use it on other college expenses such as books, personal supplies, transportation, etc.
If a donor sends a scholarship check to you and it is payable to Truman State University or it is co-payable to you AND Truman State University, you should:
- Endorse it
- Add your Truman ID number to the face of the check
- Forward it either in person or by mail to the Financial Aid Office
Some private donors may want to verify your enrollment at Truman State University before releasing any funds. For enrollment verification, contact the Registrar Office at or at 660-785-4143.
If your scholarship requires grade transcripts and/or GPA information you will need to contact the Registrar Office about sending an official transcript to the organization. If the organization does not require official transcripts, you may obtain unofficial transcripts or proof of enrollment by logging on to TruView, under “Tools” click “Student” then “Courses and Grades Tool” click “View Transcripts.”
Truman will apply scholarship awards of $1,000 or greater equally to Fall and Spring semester charges unless otherwise indicated by accompanying scholarship criteria. Some scholarships are restricted (meaning the donor has designated a specific use such as tuition only). Others are more flexible such as for educational expenses which can include room and board, books and supplies, and miscellaneous, so an excess is allowed to be refunded.
Truman academic scholarships are primarily for tuition but can also be applied to on-campus room and board charges. If a restricted private scholarship comes in, we will make every effort to make use of it. (Ex: If a private scholarship comes in that is restricted to tuition, Truman scholarships will be shifted, to the extent possible, to other approved charges.) Truman scholarships are not refundable for off-campus expenses, so any excess is returned to the Truman scholarship fund.
Once we receive notice of the additional offer and have updated your account, we will send you a revised offer notification informing you of the changes. First-time freshmen will receive their revised offer notification(s) via mail until school begins; offer notifications will be sent to their school email address thereafter. Returning students will receive their revised offer notification(s) via their school email. Transfer students will receive their offer notifications via mail until school begins; offer notifications will be sent to their school email address thereafter.
Revised offer notifications that are emailed will simply inform you that your financial aid package has changed and indicate the need to go to the Online Acceptance link on TruView to see the details.
Please be aware that if you receive additional scholarship or waiver funds that are not currently included in your aid package, your aid may be adjusted and/or reduced accordingly.
Truman State University sends out the first fall billing statement at the end of July and the first spring billing statement around the middle of December.
Those on the Standard Payment Plan must pay the fall semester bill in full by the Friday after classes begin in August and the spring semester bill in full by the Friday after classes begin in January.
Those on the Flexible Payment Plan must pay the initial 25% payment for every term will be due by the end of the first week of classes. For the Fall term, the second 25% payment is due September 15, the third 25% payment is due October 15, and the remaining balance is due November 15. For the Spring term, the second 25% payment is due February 15, the third 25% payment is due March 15, and the remaining balance is due April 15. For Summer, the remaining balance is due by July 5. This payment method will incur finance charges equal to one half percent (1/2%) per month or (6%) per year on the unpaid balance. Accounts not paid in full by the last due date will be assessed a $75 late payment penalty.
As long as you have completed all necessary financial aid paperwork in a timely manner and are enrolled in the number of credit hours you indicated on your award acknowledgment, most of your financial aid awards will be automatically applied to your bill over the course of the two weeks before classes begin each semester. However, there are some exceptions:
- State aid, such as the Access Missouri Grant and the Bright Flight Scholarship, does not come in until a few weeks into each semester, but you are not responsible for this portion of your bill.
- Private scholarships will be applied as the funds come in.
- Work-Study funds do not credit to your account. If you choose to participate in the Work-Study program, you will receive a monthly paycheck for hours worked the previous month. Once you receive your paycheck, if you choose to use a portion of it to pay on your bill, you can make a payment to your student account from your personal checking/savings account via your TruView account or the Cashier window.
If your financial aid is greater than the amount owed and is refundable, a refund is issued. You can set up a direct deposit via your TruView account.
If your financial aid does not cover the entire balance due, you owe the difference.
Visit for information on the following topics:
- Payment of Fees – personal payments can be made to a student’s account via the following methods
- Credit card
- Students pay online via TruView
- Authorized Users pay online via
- Electronic check
- Students pay online via TruView
- Authorized Users pay online via
- Debit card
- Pay at the Cashier window in McClain hall
- Cash
- Pay at the Cashier window in McClain hall
- Check
- Pay at the Cashier window in McClain hall OR
- Pay via mail at the address listed below
- Credit card
Truman State University
Business Office
McClain Hall 105
100 E Normal
Kirksville, MO 63501-4221
- E-Billing
- Authorized Users (parents and others who are allowed access to a student’s bill and student account information)
- Payment Plans
- International Bank Transfers
- Delinquent Payment Policy
- Direct Deposit of Refunds
- Collection Agencies
Truman academic scholarships are restricted to tuition, program fees, and on-campus housing and meals. They cannot be used for books, off-campus meal plans, off-campus living expenses, parking decals, etc. If you move off campus, these scholarships apply to tuition and program fees only, and you lose any remaining funds with the excess returned to the general Truman scholarship fund. A list of these scholarships is available here.
State aid (e.g. Bright Flight Scholarship and Access Missouri Grant), Federal aid (e.g. Pell Grant, Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, and Parent PLUS Loans), and private loans can be used on any education-related expenses (i.e. tuition, housing and meals (on or off campus), books and supplies, personal expenses, and transportation). As such, it will be used to cover any remaining fees (e.g. athletic, activity, health center, info tech, environmental sustainability, instructional technology, parking decal, off-campus meal plan, etc.) on your account. Once the account is paid off, any excess State and Federal money will be refunded to you.
Awarding organizations stipulate how private scholarships can be utilized and whether or not they can be refunded.
If you have questions about a particular award not mentioned above, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 660-785-4130 or at
The FAFSA uses the prior prior year’s income as a picture of a family’s financial strength. However, income is sometimes drastically reduced due to situations beyond the family’s control. In those cases, the financial aid office can recalculate financial aid eligibility based on an estimate of the family’s income for the current year. Examples of special circumstances include the following: a major change in employment, a layoff/unemployment, a separation or divorce after the original application was filed, the death or disability of a wage earner, a loss of benefits, unusually high medical bills paid but not covered by insurance, or substantial elementary/secondary tuition expenses. If your family has a special circumstance, you may submit a Special Conditions Form to our office. The next academic year’s form will be available in mid to late February. Please contact the Financial Aid Office if you have questions about whether or not your particular situation can be reviewed as a special condition. The original valid results of your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) must be on file before any adjustments can be reviewed and processed. The first offer notification the student receives will be based on results from the original FAFSA (or higher transactions the family has submitted).
Where can I find information on the requirements for renewing the financial aid I have been offered?
Information regarding the renewal of Truman merit scholarships is available online at
Information regarding the renewal of Federal (e.g. Direct Loans and Pell Grant), State aid (e.g. Bright Flight Scholarship and Access Missouri Grant), private loans, and certain non-merit-based Truman programs (e.g. Truman Access Grant and Midwest Student Exchange) is available online at
Please visit for information on the following topics:
- Budgeting/Money Management
- Credit Scores
- Federal/State Student Aid
- Financial Calculators
- Savings
- Student Loan Debt Management
More student aid resources are also available online at
- Login at
- Under “Tools” click “Student” then “Scholarships, Financial Aid, and Loans Tool.”
- Click the “Online Acceptance.”
- Select the appropriate aid year from the drop-down menu
- On the first page of the online acceptance, you will see a listing of your current financial aid package. Print or take a screenshot of this page.
- Click the “View Confirmation Page” button to view your original aid.
- Compare the screenshot or printout you made of your current financial aid listing with the listing of your original aid to see what has changed.