Orientation at Truman

Becoming a Bulldog

We are excited that you are committed to becoming a bulldog at Truman State University! We are committed to making this big transition as smooth as possible.

Select your student type

We have designed an Orientation just for you.

Preparing for Orientation

Orientation packets are mailed a few months prior to the event. This packet includes specific information about Orientation and directions on how to complete the Pre-Orientation materials through TruView. Due to the individual attention provided by advisors, we hope that you are able to complete your Pre-Orientation materials three weeks in advance to your Orientation date.

Tab through the steps to complete Pre-Orientation requirements.

Step 1: Choose a Session

Orientation is required of all first-year students and offers you the opportunity to meet other first-year students, work with faculty and academic advisors on your fall semester course schedule, and become familiar with the residential living facilities.

Orientation sessions will fill quickly! We encourage you to complete the Pre-Orientation materials and communicate your Orientation session preference as soon as possible. Please note that the availability of courses for enrollment will be the same for each session. Registering for an earlier session will not give students an advantage for enrollment.

You can submit your Orientation session preferences and complete the Pre-Orientation materials through your Truman portal. If you have any questions or problems while completing your Pre-Orientation materials, please review the FAQ page or contact the Office of Admission at 660-785-4114 or admissions@truman.edu.

Step 2: Complete Pre-Orientation Materials

All online materials can be access in TruView.

Please note, Pre-Orientation items must be completed a minimum of two weeks before your Orientation session. Students who complete the materials on time will be sent course recommendations electronically to review prior to their Orientation session.

  • Housing Application

For students beginning in the Fall: Room placement process will begin in April.

For students beginning in the Spring: Room placement process will begin in October.

For earliest housing placement selection date, students must have applied for housing, paid the housing fee/deposit, and selected a roommate. All students who submit the housing application and housing fee/deposit will receive their first-year residence hall room assignment prior to Orientation.

  • Registration Agreement

    Read and acknowledge that you will pay all university tuition and fees when due. Students who do not sign this agreement will not be able to enroll in classes for the fall semester.

  • Social Security Number Verification

    Verify your social security number is on file for scholarship renewal and tax requirements.

  • Complete the Pre-Orientation Questionnaire (FAQ)
  • Complete the Mathematics Placement Exam (FAQ)
  • Complete the Foreign Language Placement Exam (FAQ)
  • Submit Student ID Photo 

Step 3: Complete and Return Forms

Please complete the following items prior to your arrival for the semester.

Financial Aid

Payment Arrangements

  • Submit Enrollment Deposit through TruView
  • Pay Housing Deposit through TruView

Health & Immunization History

  • Complete Medical History Form, Proof of Insurance, and Copy of Immunization Records through Student Health Center.

Final Transcripts

  • Request that your high school sends your Official FINAL High School Transcript to Truman State University
  • Submit official college/university credit (search in National Student Clearinghouse, Parchment, or another service to submit electronic copies of transcripts to receiving institutions)

Vehicle Registration
