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When you pursue a classics major, you become acquainted with the literature, history, philosophy, art, and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome, and you can also learn two ancient languages —Ancient Greek and Latin. Your training as a classics major teaches you to look beyond your own cultural and historical assumptions to solve real-world problems. With the flexibility of classics program, many students choose to combine the classics major with another field of study.

Career Paths

A background in classics benefits students interested in advanced study in library science, museum studies, education, politics, religion, English and comparative literature. It also lays a strong foundation for law, medicine, seminary and other professional degrees. Around 63 percent of our classics graduates enter graduate school or law school immediately following graduation.

Featured Courses

Study the mythology of ancient Greece and Rome, primarily as expressed in the literature and the visual arts of the period, with attention also given to ancient and modern interpretations of classical myths.
Explore the cinematic and screen portrayals adapted from the literature, mythology, and/or history of Ancient Greece and Rome.
Explore selected readings in Greek from authors of the Hellenistic Period (323-30 B.C.E.), with possible forays into the subsequent Roman Period as well.
Examine the causes and consequences of gender distinctions in Greek and Roman antiquity — especially insofar as these distinctions affected both the status and the representation of women and other cultural minorities.
Learn about the cultural and intellectual achievements of Roman civilization, the values of its culture in relation to its political and social structures, and its interactions with other cultures within and without its boundaries..
Examine the intellectual, practical, and social dimensions of medicine and healing practices in the ancient Mediterranean world — from ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome, early Christianity, and into the Middle Ages.
Study the major figures in classical Greek philosophy with special emphasis on Plato and Aristotle.
Explore from selected Latin authors with discussion of the cultural, historical, and literary backgrounds.

Opportunities and Experiences


Recognition of Student Achievements

Truman's Classics program produces exemplary student achievements from grants, scholarships, and fellowships to teaching awards and professional certifications.



Traveling abroad can be an impactful experience for learning ancient and modern languages. Several study-abroad destinations are available that allow you to expand your knowledge beyond physical or cultural borders.

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Beyond the Classroom

  • Collaborate with Special Collections in the University's library to work with rare Classics books, like an early printed edition of Vergil’s Aeneid from 1502.
  • Teach Latin at a local elementary school for a service-learning opportunity.
  • Present research results at the annual Classics Capstone Symposium.
  • Join Eta Sigma Phi, a club for the appreciation of Ancient Greek and Roman culture, history, language, and more.