Ph.D., University of Arizona
Anton Daughters received his bachelor's degree in anthropology from the University of New Mexico (2001) and his doctorate from the University of Arizona (2010). He was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, from 2010 to 2012. Dr. Daughters teaches courses on economic anthropology, globalization, history of anthropological theory, and indigenous North and South America. He carries out field research on the Archipelago of Chiloé in southern Chile, where he runs a study abroad program for Truman students.
His publications include:
Book (as author)
Memories of Earth and Sea: An Ethnographic History of the Islands of Chiloé. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 2019.
Books (as editor)
Moquis and Kastiilam: Hopis, Spaniards, and the Trauma of History, Volume II, 1680-1781. Edited by Thomas E. Sheridan, Stewart Koyiyumptewa, Anton Daughters, Leigh Kuwanwisiwma, Dale Brenneman, and T.J. Ferguson. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 2020
Chiloé: The Ethnobiology of an Island Culture. Edited by Anton Daughters and Ana Pitchon. New York: Springer. 2018.
Moquis and Kastiilam: Hopis, Spaniards, and the Trauma of History, Volume I, 1540-1679. Edited by Thomas E. Sheridan, Stewart Koyiyumptewa, Anton Daughters, Leigh Kuwanwisiwma, Dale Brenneman, and T.J. Ferguson. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 2015.
“Southern Chile’s Archipelago of Chiloé: Shifting Identities in a New Economy.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 21(2):317-335 (July 2016)
"Fish Kills and Protests on the Islands of Chiloé." Anthropology News (May 2016)
“Solidarity and Resistance on the Island of Llingua.” Anthropology Now 7(1):1-11 (April 2015)
“Torture in Colonial Spain’s Pimería Alta: The Case of Joseph Romero ‘Canito,’1686.” Journal of the Southwest 56(2):233-252 (Summer 2014)
“Grave Offenses Worthy of Great Punishment: The Enslavement of Juan Suñi, 1659.” Journal of the Southwest 54(3):437-452 (Autumn 2012)
“A Seventeenth-Century Instance of Hopi Clowning? The Trial of Juan Suñi, 1659.” Kiva 74(4):447-463 (Summer 2009)
Book Chapters
“Of Chicha, Majas, and Mingas: Hard Apple Cider and Local Solidarity in Rural Southern Chile.” In Alcohol in Latin America: A Social and Cultural History. Edited by G. Pierce and A. Tóxqui (Tucson: University of Arizona Press) 2014.
“Globalization Hits El Trauco: The Archipelago of Chiloé in the Era of Neoliberalism.” In Lost in the Long Transition: Struggles for Social Justice in Neoliberal Chile. Edited by William Alexander (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books) 2009.