Dr. Jonathan Wehmeyer
Assistant Professor of Theatre
B.A. Theatre and History, Southwest Baptist University
M.A. Theatre, University of Central Missouri
Ph.D. Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Missouri - Columbia
Dr. Jonathan Wehmeyer is an Assistant Professor of Theatre at Truman State University. While this is his second year at Truman, Wehmeyer taught for twelve years at Southwest Baptist University. Wehmeyer earned his M.A. from the University of Central Missouri and his Ph.D. from the University of Missouri-Columbia. At Truman State, Wehmeyer teaches within the acting sequence, including Acting I, II, and III, the history and literature sequence, Playwriting, and any other course where he is needed. He also directs as needed and has received recognition for his productions of The Pirates of Penzance, The Bald Soprano, Dance on Bones, and Twelve Angry Jurors. He has also received awards for his scenic designs for Between the Crosses and Dance on Bones. Throughout his career Wehmeyer has had several students perform in the Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship Auditions and in 2023 coached the Region 5 representative at the national festival. His research interests include the liberal arts, American theatre history, and applied theatre.