Foundation Board: Amy Sanders

Amy Sanders

Amy Kristin Sanders is the John and Ann Curley Chair in First Amendment Studies at Pennsylvania State University. A licensed attorney and award-winning former journalist, Sanders is an internationally recognized expert in the legal regulation and ethical use of emerging technologies, with an emphasis on freedom of expression and democratic values.

Sanders regularly serves as an expert witness and consultant to Fortune 500 companies on media law and ethics issues, and she counsels international governments and law firms regarding regulatory proceedings, policy development and pending litigation. Sanders has been quoted by the Los Angeles TimesBloombergReasonMother JonesWired and numerous other newspapers, magazines and television stations. In addition, she has published opinion columns in major newspapers, including USA Today, the Houston Chronicle and the Austin American-Statesman.

Prior to her tenure on Truman’s Foundation Board of the Directors, Sanders was the Board Secretary and Governance Chair for the Student Press Law Center, a D.C.-based nonprofit organization that promotes, supports and defends the First Amendment rights of student journalists and their advisers.

Sanders worked as a copy editor and page designer for the Gainesville (Fla.) Sun, then a New York Times Co. newspaper. She holds a Ph.D. in mass communication from the University of Florida. She earned her M.A. in professional journalism and her Juris Doctorate at the University of Iowa. Sanders is a proud graduate of Truman State University (’01), where she earned a B.A. in Communication and a B.S. in Justice Systems.