Communication Disorders Department
Articulartion Agreement: Master of Science in Deaf Education (M.S.D.E.) Program at Washington University School of Medicine
Articulation Agreement between
Washington University School of Medicine, Master of Science in Deaf Education (MSDE)
Truman State University’s Communication Disorders Program
This agreement acts as an understanding between the Washington University School of Medicine’s Master of Science in Deaf Education (WU MSDE) Program and Truman State University’s Communication Disorders Program (CMDS). Effective December 1, 2017, WU MSDE agrees to provide qualified applicants from Truman State University automatic admission to the Master of Science in Deaf Education Program. Under this agreement, a maximum of 2 of the highest qualified applicants from the Communication Disorders Program at Truman State University (as judged by the WU MSDE faculty) will receive automatic admission pending approval of required credentials during the admissions process. Applicants who are not admitted under this agreement, as well as all other CMDS applicants who meet WU MSDE minimum admissions criteria, will be eligible to be considered under WU MSDE traditional admissions process.
To participate under this agreement, applicants must complete the criteria listed below and receive a Bachelor of Science degree from the Communication Disorders Program at Truman State University, Written notification of any changes to the following criteria must be provided by the program granting such changes,
Students applying to WU MSDE under this agreement must meet the following criteria:
- Receive a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree from the Communication Disorders Program at Truman State University.
- Have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) in Communication Disorders.
- Have minimum GRE scores of 150 on the verbal section, 150 on the quantitative section, and 0 on the analytical section (general examination).
- Submit 3 favorable letters of recommendation, one of which must come from a CMDS faculty member.
- Have a favorable admissions interview (in-person or phone).
- Completed application and all required materials must be received by WU MSDE program office by December 15 of the year preceding the desired year of admission.