Articulated Program Agreement Between Logan University and Truman State University
Based upon a mutual respect for the integrity of parallel academic programs and in an effort to better serve students intending to pursue the chiropractic profession, Logan University (Logan) and Truman State University (Truman) hereby enter into an agreement for an articulated program. This agreement will define coursework to be completed at Truman for a student intending to matriculate at Logan, special terms of admission to Logan 3+3 Program, and special criteria for the awarding of the baccalaureate degree to participating students.
Objectives of the Agreement:
- To attract qualified students to Truman and Logan.
- To facilitate the transition of students from Truman to Logan.
- To provide specific advisement for students of Truman who intend to pursue professional study at Logan.
- To encourage academic and administrative coordination between institutions and the exchange of evaluative information on the outcomes of the program with the goal of continual improvement.
- To provide qualified students the opportunity to complete the baccalaureate degree and the Doctor of Chiropractic Degree in one less year than the normal time of 7 years.
Under the provisions of this program, a 3+3 Program student will graduate from Truman with a baccalaureate degree with a minimum of 90 credit hours in coursework at Truman and a minimum of 30.5 credit hours in coursework at Logan.
Required Coursework to fulfill General Education Competencies: | 43-62 Credit Hours |
TRU 120: First Year Seminar | 3 Credit Hours |
MATH 146: College Algebra | 0-3 Credit Hours |
MATH 157: Plane Trigonometry | 0-2 Credit Hours |
Communication Skills Perspective | 6 Credit Hours |
Statistics Perspective | 3 Credit Hours |
Junior Interdisciplinary Writing-Enhanced Seminar (JINS) | 3 Credit Hours |
Additional STEM Perspective (some courses embedded in the major) | 10 Credit Hours |
Foreign Language | 0-8 Credit Hours |
Arts & Humanities Perspective | 9 Credit Hours |
Social Perspective (may include Missouri Statute Hours) | 9 Credit Hours |
Intercultural Perspective | 0-6 credit hours |
Required Coursework for Exercise Science Major | 46-57 Credit Hours |
PSYC 166: General Psychology | 0-3 Credit Hours |
BIOL 107: Cells, Molecules, and Genes w/ Lab | 0-4 Credit Hours |
CHEM 130: Chemical Principles I w/ Lab | 0-4 Credit Hours |
CHEM 131: Chemical Principles II w/ Lab | 4 Credit Hours |
PHYS 185: College Physics I w/ Lab | 4 Credit Hours |
PHYS 186: College Physics II w/ Lab | 4 Credit Hours |
CHEM 329: Organic Chemistry I | 3 Credit Hours |
CHEM 331: Organic Chemistry II | 3 Credit Hours |
ES 190: WE/Intro to Exercise Science | 3 Credit Hours |
ES 202: Strength & Conditioning Anatomy | 1 Credit Hour |
ES 224: Research Methods & Data Interp. | 3 Credit Hours |
ES 245: Nutrition in Health, Fitness, & Sport | 3 Credit Hours |
ES 250: Exercise Science Practicum I | 1 Credit Hour |
ES 342: Biomechanics with Lab | 4 Credit Hours |
ES 343: Movement Neuroscience w/ Lab or ES 344: Lifespan Motor Development or ES 347: Motor Learning w/ Lab | 3 Credit Hours |
ES 345: Exercise Physiology | 3 Credit Hours |
ES 445/445L: Assessment and Prescription w/ Lab | 4 Credit Hours |
ES 498: WE/Capstone in Exercise Science | 3 Credit Hours |
HLTH 200: Medical Terminology | 2 Credit Hours |
ANAT10102 Histology | 2 Credit Hours |
ANAT10202/1L202 Anatomy II with Lab | 3/1.5 Credit Hours |
BCHM10201 Biochemistry I | 3 Credit Hours |
MICR10201 Microbiology I | 3 Credit Hours |
NEUR10201 Neuroanatomy I | 3.5 Credit Hours |
PYSO10202 Physiology I | 4 Credit Hours |
PYSO10101 Cell Biology | 2 Credit Hours |
ANAT10303/1L303 Anatomy III with Lab | 3/1.5 Credit Hours |
PATH10301 Pathology I | 4 Credit Hours |
A minimum of 30.5 credit hours must be completed with a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.00 on a scale of 4.00.
For every subject required by Logan (either offered by Truman or Logan), no grade below a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale will be accepted for credit in this articulated program. In addition, all 3+3 Program students must have earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 for the 90 credit hours at Truman to be considered for admission.
- In Logan’s continued efforts to remain at the forefront of advanced, doctoral education, updates to courses may arise. Alternative courses may be considered for degree completion credit at the discretion of Truman State University.
- Students are admitted to Logan only as first year Doctor of Chiropractic students. Upon completion of the required coursework, 30.5 credit hours from Logan may be transferred toward completion of the baccalaureate degree at Truman. In order to graduate from Truman, an official transcript with grades must be sent from Logan to a designated official within Truman, and the student must request and complete application materials for graduation from Truman. Biology majors must contact Truman State University’s Assessment and Testing Office to make arrangements to complete their senior test once they have earned 90 credit hours. The biology major field test is necessary to be eligible for graduation from Truman.
- Health Science Majors will have their senior tests waived and Health Science majors will also have course HLTH 400: CHES Exam Review waived. They are ineligible to take their nationally normed test prior to leaving Truman (i.e. they must be within 90 days of graduation). Students must provide to Assessment & Testing an enrollment verification from Logan to waive the senior test.
- Exercise Science students will take their senior test their last semester at Truman while enrolled in ES 498: BCHM10201 and MICR 10201 for their 6 credit hours of Truman Core Electives, as needed.
- While enrolled at Truman, students will complete all required coursework as outlined above and described in the Truman catalog.
- The acceptance of transfer credits or testing toward completion of degree requirements shall be governed by current policies of Truman.
- To be granted the bachelor’s degree with a comprehensive major in Exercise Science, or the bachelor’s degree with a comprehensive major in Health Science, or the bachelor’s degree with a comprehensive major in Biology from Truman, students must have successfully completed at least 120 undergraduate credit hours.
- Logan shall accept, for the entrance date of its choice, all students who successfully complete the Pre-Chiropractic Program with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and meet all other criteria for admission.
- Students who earn less than a 3.0 GPA, but at least a 2.75 or higher, may be eligible for admission to Logan at the discretion of the Vice President of Admissions and Financial Aid, and will receive appropriate consideration in the standard admission process for having completed the Truman Pre-Medial: Pre-Chiropractic Program. Such a student will not receive the assurance of a reserved seat and will be assessed under an alternative admission track.
- Students will complete an application to Logan six months to a year in advance of their desired entrance date and will complete all required application procedures thereafter in a timely manner, including submission of a chiropractor’s letter of recommendation and a personal statement of motivation. Students applying to Logan’s doctorate program under a 3+3 Program Agreement will qualify for their Logan University Doctor of Chiropractic application fee to be waived.
- Students enrolled in the 3+3 Program who successfully complete all required 30.5 credit hours of coursework at Logan with no grade below a C (2.0) on a 4.0 scale will be granted the baccalaureate degree from Truman, provided they have met all other Truman’s graduation requirements. Students must send an official Logan transcript with final grades and apply to graduate from Truman.
- Students shall pay the appropriate tuition and fees to each institution for all coursework taken at that institution. During their first year of study at Logan, students shall not be registered for courses at Truman, but shall pay any fees required to maintain their registration toward the baccalaureate degree. Upon completion of the assigned coursework within the first year of study at Logan, students shall be responsible for any fees regularly charged by Truman for transfer of credits and awarding the baccalaureate degree. Students must apply to graduate from Truman. Transcript requests made for Logan transcripts to be sent to the agreement school will have their transcript fee waived.
Logan and Truman agree to encourage qualified students to participate in this 3+3 Program through advisement and dissemination of information. The institutions agree to remain in contact with each other and apprise each other of any changes to the appointed advisor/faculty member assigned to oversee students attending under the 3+3 Program. The appointed advisor/faculty member for each institution will make every effort to:
- Maintain a list of students actively pursuing the program with the intent to enroll under the 3+3 Program and keep each other informed of those students through the use of the supplemental Application of Intent form. Truman’s appointed advisor/faculty member will notify the Registrar Office and Assessment and Testing Office of any participating students.
- Maintain regular communication with Logan to update on any changes to the appointed representative’s contact information for the purpose of marketing on Logan’s website.
- Provide Logan’s assigned representatives with the opportunity for periodic visits for the purpose of meeting with students and for recruitment.
- Make students aware that some state boards of chiropractic require completed baccalaureate degrees, PRIOR TO CHIROPRACTIC STUDY, and to advise students planning to practice in those states accordingly.
- Promote the 3+3 program in their recruitment activities; online and print marketing pieces; and to refer prospective students, when appropriate, to the other’s admission office.
This agreement shall remain intact unless stated, in writing, that the agreement is being terminated. If terminated, both institutions will honor the terms of the agreement until all students already admitted into Logan University are given the opportunity to complete the program in a timely manner and meet the terms in place. Unless extenuating circumstances require the creation and establishment of a new agreement, modifications to the terms and/or curriculum therein may be submitted, in writing, by way of amendment.