Computer Science: Sample 4-Year Plan

The plan listed below is designed to provide suggestions for sequencing your major courses, but there are also other ways to sequence most majors. This plan is meant to provide aid in early, provisional planning. Please consult with your academic advisor to make strategic academic decisions about which courses to take each semester.

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Sample Four Year Plan: Computer Science (BS)

FALL - Semester 1

CS 180: Foundations of Computer Science I
TRU 100: Truman Symposium
TRU 116: Self and Society, Artificial Intelligence
Perspectives Class*
Foreign Language**
MATH 198: Analytic Geometry and Calculus I

SPRING - Semester 2

CS 181: Foundations of Computer Science II
CS 191: Computing Structures
Perspectives Class
Foreign Language
MATH 263: Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
Could consider CS 291 or STAT 290

FALL - Semester 3

CS 250: Systems Programming
CS 260: Object-Oriented Programming
CS 291 or later
Perspectives Class

SPRING - Semester 4

CS 310: Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 330: Computer Architecture and Organization
CS 291 or STAT 290
Perspectives Class
Required Support Course

FALL - Semester 5

CS XXX: One elective from Area A, B, or C
JINS Class
Perspectives Class
BS Requirement

SPRING - Semester 6

CS XXX: One elective from Area A, B, or C
CS 345: Cyberethics (also available summer)
STAT 290: Statistics
Perspectives Class

FALL - Semester 7

CS 495: Senior Seminar
CS XXX: OneĀ  or two electives from Area A, B, or C
Perspectives Class
BS Requirement

SPRING - Semester 8

CS XXX: OneĀ  or two electives from Area A, B, or C
Capstone Experience
Perspectives Class
Electives to total at least 120 hours


We offer topics courses regularly in Areas A, B, and C:

Area A courses include CS 315: Programming, CS 370: Software Engineering, and CS 430: Database Systems.

Area B courses include CS 390: Operating Systems, CS 420: Compilers, CS 435: Parallel and Distributed Processing, CS 455: Computer Security, CS 470: Computer Networks.

Area C courses include CS 325: Introduction to Bioinformatics, CS 380: Programming Languages, CS 420: Compilers, 430: Database Systems, CS 435: Parallel and Distributed Processing, CS 455: Computer Security, CS 460: Computer Graphics, CS 480: Artificial Intelligence, and CS 490: Automata Theory and Formal Languages.

*Dialogues Curriculum: The Dialogues Curriculum requires a certain number of courses/credit hours in the following Perspectives: Social, Arts and Humanities, STEM, Communications, and Statistics. The exact number of courses a student will be required to take during their undergraduate career varies individually according to the credit transferred in.

**Foreign Language: Can be taken any semester, but Elementary II proficiency required for BS degree.

Department Chair: Please contact the Center for Academic Excellence with any updates to the plan above.

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate class offerings for this major. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in Truman's Official Catalog.

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