Sample 4-Year Plan: Exercise Science, BS, Pre-Medical Sciences

The plan listed below is designed to provide suggestions for sequencing your major courses, but there are also other ways to sequence most majors. This plan is meant to provide aid in early, provisional planning. Please consult with your academic advisor to make strategic academic decisions about which courses to take each semester.

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Sample Four-Year Plan: Exercise Science (BS) - Pre-Medical Sciences

FALL - Semester 1

ES 190 (WE) Introduction to Exercise Science
CHEM 129,130 or BIOL 107
MATH 186 Precalculus
TRU 1XX Self & Society
TRU 1XX Symposium
Missouri Statute (HIST 2100)

SPRING - Semester 2

ES 245 Nutrition
CHEM 130 Chemical Prin I w/lab
COMM 170 Public Speaking
ENG 190 Writing as Critical Thinking
STAT 190 Basic Statistics

FALL - Semester 3

ES 224 Research Methods & Data Interp
CHEM 131 Chemical Prin II w/lab
ES 202 Strength & Conditioning Anatomy
Foreign Language Elem I
BIOL 107 Cells, Molecules and Genes

SPRING - Semester 4

ES 345 Exercise Physiology
CHEM 329 Organic Chemistry I^
BIOL 104 Ecology & Evolution of the Organism
Foreign Language Elem II
PSYC 166 (Social Perspective)

FALL - Semester 5

CHEM 330 Organic Chemistry II^
CHEM 333 Organic Chemistry Lab^
PHYS 185 College Physics I
Social Perspective

SPRING - Semester 6

ES 342/L Biomechanics
ES 344 Lifespan Motor Development OR
ES 347 Motor Learning
BIOL 365 Human Anatomy w/ Lab
PHYS 186 College Physcis II

FALL - Semester 7

ES Core Elective
BIOL 325 Human Physiology
ES 445 Assessment and Presc I
Arts & Humanities Perspective
ES 250 Exercise Science Practicum I*

SPRING - Semester 8

ES 498 (WE) Capstone in Exercise Science
Arts & Humanities Perspective
Social Perspective
Arts & Humanities Perspective
ES Core Elective
Take Senior Test - ACSM EP-C**

ES 342/L, ES 345 and ES 347 - prerequisite is STAT 190 (or calculus) and ES 224
*Note: ES 250 is offered fall, winter interim, spring and summer
**Check if have achieved > 40 hrs upper level
**Check if Dialogues requirements have been met, civics exam complete
*** Recommend getting intercultural requirement as part of other courses
^ Only if planning to be physician or physician assistant- CHEM 335 recommended if room

See course pre-requisites at For additional information visit

You are encouraged to use these materials in conjunction with the Truman Catalog and Degree Works (available on TruView) as a guide in planning your progress toward completion of degree requirements. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in the catalog.

The Dialogues curriculum requires a certain number of courses/credit hours in the following Perspectives: Social, Arts and Humanities, STEM, Communications, and Statistics. The exact number of courses a student will be required to take during their undergraduate career varies individually according to the credit transferred in.

Department chair: please contact the Center for Academic Excellence with any updates to the plan above. Rev. 5-3-23

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate class offerings for this major. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for certifying completion of degree requirements based on requirements specified in Truman's Official Catalog.

All Sample Four-Year Plans