
With its unique integration of art and science, the Bachelor of Science in music therapy lets you combine your love of music with a passion for helping others. This degree prepares you for a career as a music therapist by developing your musicianship, performance, therapeutic, and scholarly skills. The program includes rigorous training in music and courses in psychology, biology, nursing, sociology, and anthropology.

Once you have been accepted to Truman, an audition is required for acceptance into this music major.

Career Paths


Truman’s music therapy program (pending AMTA approval) prepares you to take the exam given by the Certification Board for Music Therapists.

As a board-certified music therapist, you can work with clients of all ages in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, rehabilitation centers, hospice and wellness programs, and other professional settings.

Featured Courses

Explore psychological, social, cognitive, and biological development from prenatal development through old age.
Learn the fundamental principles of human anatomy.
Study of the language of music and basic materials, structures, and procedures of the art of sound.
Develop techniques and skills for leading and adapting music interventions in clinical settings including singing, movement, improvisation, and functional accompaniment skills on several instruments.
Learn about Ear Training with topics that cover harmonic, rhythmic, and melodic dictation as well as aural identification of major and minor scales, melodic intervals including an octave and triads. You also study Sight Singing which includes singing short melodies at sight, major and minor scales, intervals including an octave, triads, and tapping or reciting rhythmic exercises.
Learn about vocal fundamentals, repertoire, and phonetics.
Study the basic skills necessary for playing the guitar including playing primary and secondary chords, transposition, various strumming techniques, and finger-picking patterns.

Student Opportunities


Music Programs and Studios

The Music Department offers a wide range of programs and studios so you can develop your skills in a variety of musical instruments and musical styles.

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Music Ensembles

Truman's choral and instrumental ensembles provide opportunities for you to collaborate with fellow musicians and participate in musical performances. Some ensembles require auditions.


Research Opportunities

Pair up with a faculty member to participate in an ongoing research project or explore your own research. You can also present your results at the annual Student Research Conference held on campus.


Music Events

Student concerts and recitals are held throughout the year. The Music Department also hosts annual events celebrating music and brings renowned artists to campus.

Resources for Students


Truman State University is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music.

Explore Related Programs


Music Majors and Minors

Graduate Studies

Master of Arts in Music

Master of Arts in Education (Music Specialty Area)