Contact Clayton

Clayton Capriglione headshot

Clayton Capriglione

Job: Admission Counselor

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

Major: Psychology

Territory: Iowa/Nebraska

Grad Year: 2024

Alma Mater: Truman State University


Phone: (660) 785-4223

Meet Clayton


Every year, Clayton goes to Las Vegas to attend the annual Fallout New Vegas Convention in Goodsprings, Nevada.


Clayton is a master at the claw machine and most other skill-based arcade games!


Clayton considers Kirksville his "tranquil getaway" from the city life of St. Louis.

Clayton Outside the Office



Clayton graduated from Truman State in May 2024, earning a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and minors in both Education and Agricultural Studies. During his time as a student, he was involved in Phi Lambda Phi, Interfraternity Council, Order of Omega, and Save the Bees. He was also a Resident Advisor for three years (paid for his room and board!) where he spent time at Ryle Hall, West Campus Suites, and Dobson Hall. His favorite dorm? Ryle.

Outside of Truman, Clayton enjoys spending time with his dog Chloe, kayaking at Thousand Hills, watching movies, and hunting for cool bugs and mushrooms. He also enjoys traveling and collecting new experiences, which is why he applied to be a traveling counselor!