Contact Lydia

LydiaYoder29Aug2023-3 - Lydia Yoder

Lydia Yoder

Job: Campus Visit Coordinator

Hometown: Constantine, MI

Major: Psychology

Grad Year: 2022

Alma Mater: Truman State University


Phone: 660-785-4135

Meet Lydia


Lydia has a Farmer's Market Booth here in Kirksville where she sells her crafts!


She and her brother have matching fried egg tattoos that they got for their childhood dog who LOVED eggs.


She went to Canada for a few weeks in college and her dream is to one day live there full time!

Lydia Outside the Office



Lydia grew up in Michigan and reluctantly moved to Missouri to come to Truman, but ended up loving it here! At Truman, Lydia majored in Psychology, and minored in Child Studies . She was also a Student Advisor in Centennial Hall, a Student Ambassador, and a member of Alpha Sigma Gamma, a service sorority.

In her free time she enjoys hiking at Thousand Hills, working on crafts for her farmer's market booth and Etsy shop, hanging out with her cat Potato, and going thrifting at the various thrift shops in town. She recently rented out a store front to sell her crafts - exciting stuff!