
When you pursue a degree in political science and international relations, you explore systematic approaches to understanding politics. Through thought-provoking courses and experiential learning opportunities, you develop a deep understanding of why things happen in the world of politics and international relations. With an emphasis on research, writing, and oral presentation, this program helps you build strong critical-thinking, analytical, and communication skills.

Career Paths

The major prepares you for graduate school in political science, public administration, public policy, and business administration. It also prepares you for a wide range of careers in federal, state, and local governments as well business, politics, law, teaching, grassroots organization, political consulting, international relations, and more.

Notable graduate schools include:

  • Duke University
  • Harvard Law School
  • Ohio State University
  • Syracuse University
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Iowa
  • Penn State University
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • George Washington University
  • Creighton University
  • Boston University
  • American University
  • London School of Economics

Law School Pathways

Truman has 3+3 law school pathways agreements with select institutions allowing qualified students to matriculate into law school after completing just 90 credit hours at the undergraduate level.
Pre-Law Studies at Truman>

Notable employers include:

  • The White House
  • Missouri Governor’s Office
  • Brennan Institute of Justice
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Missouri General Assembly
  • U.S. Congress
  • Verizon
  • Edward Jones
  • Peace Corps
  • Teach for America
  • AmeriCorps
  • U.S. Military

Featured Courses

Explore the principles, organization, and functions of American national government along with the role of public attitudes, voting and elections in shaping the behavior of government.
Gain an understanding of the nature of international society and the forces affecting relationships between states and social actors.
Learn the science aspect of political science by exploring a variety of research approaches including experimental, quasi-experimental, survey research, cross-sectional or longitudinal studies, and basic statistical tests.
Learn how to evaluate trends in comparative politics from historic, methodological, and theoretical perspectives. Drawing on cases from both developed and less developed nations from around the world, you study the types, causes, and impacts of competing political institutions, as well as other political, social, and economic issues of importance to Comparativists, such as democracy, democratization, authoritarianism, party development, electoral systems, and economic development.
Examine major thinkers and schools of Western political philosophy, from Plato to the present.

Professional Development

Internships can be arranged with elected officials in your hometown, Jefferson City, or Washington, D.C. Here's a sampling of potential internship locations:

  • U.S. Representative and Senator
  • Offices in Washington, D.C.
  • White House & Cabinet departments
  • Local judges, prosecutors, and attorneys
  • U.S. Embassies
  • Numerous international organizations

Student Opportunities

Model UN

Model United Nations

Participation in Model U.N., an academic simulation of a session of the United Nations, provides a chance for you to acquire expertise on working with others to solve problems.



You can build strong research skills by collaborating with a professor or engaging in your own research. Many students present their research projects at Truman's Student Research Conference or at annual meetings of regional and national professional associations.


Student Organizations

Expand your network by joining student groups such as Pi Sigma Alpha, a national honor society; Student Senate; College Democrats at Truman; and Truman State College Republicans.


Study Abroad

Join students who have studied abroad in countries like France, Britain, Spain, Greece, Australia, China, The Czech Republic, Northern Ireland, other locations.