—Important Numbers
- Department of Public Safety (DPS): 660-785-4176
- Emergency: 911
- Non-Emergency: 660-665-5621
- Kirksville Police Department (Off Campus)
- Emergency: 911
- Non-Emergency: 660-665-5621
- Kirksville Northeast Medical Center: 660-785-1000
- Alcoholics Anonymous: 660-665-1150
- Life Crisis Services (Suicide Prevention): 314-647-HELP (4357) or 800-273-TALK (8255)
- Alcohol & Drug Abuse Referral Hotline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
- University Counseling Services After-Hours Crisis Phone: 660-665-5621
- Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention: 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636)
- Student Health Center: 660-785-4182
- Victim Support Services: 660- 665-0020
- Crisis Line: 660-665-1617
—TruAlert Emergency Notification System
To maintain a safe campus environment, the University has implemented an emergency notification system called TruAlert. We would encourage you to sign up for University emergency messaging system if you have not done so already. You may register your phone with the TruAlert system via TruView. See How to Sign Up for TruAlerts>
If you are living in a Residence Hall or an on-campus apartment and you discover a fire, no matter how insignificant it is, you should sound the alarm, and then notify the residence hall staff immediately. The building should be evacuated before there is any attempt to contain the fire. If you discover a fire in an academic or general use building, sound the alarm, evacuate the building immediately, and then contact 911 from another location as soon as possible. Students who falsely activate fire alarms are subject to criminal and conduct action.
—Tornado Preparedness
There are two types of tornado advisories issued by the U.S. Weather Bureau:
- Tornado Watch: means weather conditions are favorable for tornado activity.
- Tornado Warning: means that a tornado has been actually sighted or indicated by radar in the immediate area.
In the event of a tornado “watch,” directors of campus residential areas and building coordinators in academic areas (during regular business hours) will be notified. They will then inform building occupants. After 5 p.m., Department of Public Safety officers will attempt to alert all academic areas where classes might be in progress. There are several things to keep in mind when determining the safest areas in a building:
1. Remain inside the building
2. Move away from exterior walls and glass and proceed to the lower portions of the structure in interior areas.
3. Stay out of auditoriums, gymnasiums or other structures with wide free roofs.
4. Consult bulletin boards for specific building “safe” areas.
If any doubt exists regarding the emergency plan for your building, please contact the Department of Public Safety.
*For any type of EMERGENCY situation, contact the Department of Public Safety at 911.
In the event of a Tornado warning, the University will issue an emergency notification with the TruAlert system. Please sign up for emergency notifications if you have not done so already.
—Crime Prevention
Throughout the academic year, the Department of Public Safety, along with the Residence Life staff and other University organizations, sponsor crime prevention programs for the University community which teaches individuals how to reduce their risk of being victimized. Some of the programs offered include: personal safety and awareness, sexual assault awareness, theft and burglary prevention, alcohol awareness, and bicycle safety and security.
Information on security and reported incidents of crimes are provided to students and employees regularly through bulletins, crime watch (potential crime warnings) posters, brochures and the student newspaper.
—Reporting of Crimes
All members of the University community are encouraged to report any crime committed on campus to the Department of Public Safety, 911 or 665-5621. Reported cases are investigated and referred to the appropriate department or office for action.
The Department of Public Safety works very closely with the Kirksville Police Department and other law enforcement agencies to assist them with incidents which may occur on or off campus.
The Department of Public Safety officers and Residence Life staff members enforce laws and University regulations, such as underage drinking, and the use of controlled substances and weapons. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the residence halls or on other campus facilities and grounds. Illegal drugs, firearms, and dangerous weapons of any type are not allowed on campus. Students who violate these regulations face University conduct sanctions and/or criminal charges.
—Building and Grounds Security
The Physical Plant Department maintains the University buildings and grounds with a concern for safety and security. It inspects campus facilities regularly and promptly makes repairs affecting the Department of Public Safety.
The University campus is well lit, and further lighting improvements are being made in parking lot areas and along pathways frequently traveled by students. In addition to public access phones in each building, there are 19 emergency telephones strategically located throughout campus, which are directly connected to the E-911 Dispatch Center.
Most of the University’s academic buildings are opened weekdays by the Physical Plant staff members in the morning and locked by the Department of Public Safety in the evening. On weekends, the Department of Public Safety opens and closes buildings as needed. In addition, the University’s locksmiths maintain strict control and are on call 24-hours-a-day.
—Residence Hall Security
Students living on campus are able to gain access to the residence halls using their student ID cards. Students will be expected to carry their ID cards with them at all times. Students will not be able to gain pass through the night monitor stations by reciting their banner ID number.
—Building Access Overview
6 a.m. – 10: 30 p.m.
• Doors with card access devices (black boxes) will be unlocked (All students, staff and guests will be able to enter without use of a proximity card) – all Green and Yellow doors
• Doors marked as Red will be locked from the exterior but may be used as exits.
• Alarm will alert on Red doors that are held open for too long or if forced open.
10:30 p.m. – 12 a.m.
• On-campus residents permitted through Green and Yellow entrances by use of proximity card.
• Off-campus students and guests permitted through the Green or Yellow entrances only when accompanied by an on-campus resident.
• Students will NOT be required to check-in at the Night Monitor Station.
• Doors marked as Red will be locked from the exterior, but may be used as exits.
• All doors will alarm if held open for too long or if forced open.
12 a.m. – 6 a.m.
• Only those who live in the building will have access to the building through the Green doors only by use of proximity card.
• Off-campus students and guests as well as non-building residents permitted through Green doors only when accompanied by building resident.
• Check in at Night Monitor station required and residents will need to make sure they have their I.D. cards on them at all times because you will not be able to get into the building without them. Night monitors will not allow students to simply give their student ID numbers to gain entrance to the building. Students must have their ID on them at all times.
• Doors marked as Yellow or Red will be locked from the exterior but may be used as exits.
• All doors will alert the PAS if held open for too long or if forced open.
—Student and Employee Responsibility
The cooperation and involvement of students and employees are critical to the success of a campus safety program. They must assume responsibility for their own personal safety and the security of their personal belongings by taking simple, common sense precautions.
Precautions might include the use of the escort service rather than traveling alone at night. Room doors should be locked at night or whenever unoccupied. Valuable items such as stereos, TVs and cameras should be marked with engraving instruments, which are available free of charge at the Department of Public Safety. Bikes should be registered with the Department of Public Safety and secured with a sturdy lock. Cars should be locked and parked in well-lit areas with valuables removed or placed out of sight.
All students, faculty and staff should report suspicious-looking individuals or any unusual incidents to the Department of Public Safety.
For more information, contact: Truman State University, Director of the Department of Public Safety, Kirksville, MO 63501, telephone 660-785-4176 or visit our website at police.truman.edu.
The Academic Affairs Office provides positive, professional support needed for students, faculty and staff to achieve the University’s mission and core values. The office oversees the Center for International Education, Graduate Studies, Grants, Interdisciplinary Studies, the Institute for Academic Outreach, Office of Student Research, McNair Program, Center for Academic Excellence, Pickler Memorial Library, Registrar, SEE Program, Truman State University Press, Academic Professional Development Center and Upward Bound. The Academic Affairs Office is located in McClain 203. Phone 660-785-4105. Website: dev.truman.edu/academic-affairs/.
—Administration Finance and Planning
This office is responsible for budget development and administration, as well as institutional research. The office handles internal and external budgets and serves as the coordinator for the IPEDS (federal) and DHE (state) reporting systems. Areas reporting to the Vice President for Administration, Finance and Planning include Assessment and Testing (testing.truman.edu); Business Office (dev.truman.edu/businessoffice/); Campus Mail Services (mailservices.truman.edu); Campus Planning; Physical Plant (physicalplant.truman.edu); and Public Safety (police.truman.edu). The Administration, Finance and Planning Office is located in McClain Hall 201. Phone 660-785-7607. Website: institutionalresearch-budgets.truman.edu/.
—Admissions Office
The Admission Office is responsible for representing Truman State University to prospective undergraduate students. Activities include processing admission applications for freshmen and transfer students, representing Truman at college fairs, high school visits and coordinating special visit events. The Admission Office selects and oversees Student Ambassadors and Tele-counselors who aid in representing the University to prospective students. Members of the staff are also actively involved in 1st-Year Student Orientation and the selection/training of Orientation Leaders. The Office is located in the Ruth W. Towne Museum & Visitors Center. Phone 660-785-4114. admissions.truman.edu.
—Advancement (Alumni Relations and Fundraising)
The Advancement Office is responsible for building greater awareness, understanding and appreciation of the University among its various constituencies through Alumni Relations and University fundraising. Alumni Relations’ efforts promote lifelong relationships between alumni and their alma mater through ongoing communications, activities and services. Alumni records are maintained by the Advancement Office. The fundraising component of the Advancement Office encourages private gifts to support the University including contributions fromA individuals, corporations and foundations. The Advancement Office serves as the home base for the Truman State University Foundation. The office is located in McClain Hall 205. Phone 660-785-4133 or email alumni@truman.edu. Additional information may be found at dev.truman.edu/alumni-donors/.
—Assessment and Testing
The Assessment and Testing Office coordinates the University’s Assessment Program, administers standardized national paper-based and computer-based examinations within secure and comfortable settings, and provides test proctoring services to Truman students and the surrounding communities. The office is located in Violette Hall 1130. Phone 660-785-4140. Website: testing.truman.edu/. Email: testing@truman.edu.
Truman State University is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II, and a charter member of the Great Lakes Valley Conference (GLVC). The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics sponsors 20 sports, 10 for men and 10 for women. The Athletics Office manages these teams and their facilities. Most athletic teams at Truman require tryouts for participation; the Athletics Office can direct students to the designated coach/es for more information about a specific team. The Athletics Office is located in Pershing Building 212. Phone 660-785-4236. www.trumanbulldogs.com/
—Business Office
The Business Office handles the financial activity of the University. For students, the Cashier section of the Business Office is the place to pay bills and cash checks. The Student Accounts section administers bills and answers questions concerning account balances, promissory notes for University loans and other fee-related questions. The Payroll section of the Business Office issues employee and student pay as well as W-2 forms. The Payroll section also handles I-9 and W-4 clearances for student workers. The Purchasing section of the Business Office handles purchases and financial contracts for the University. The Accounts Payable/Grants section processes payments for bills for all departments on campus and handles grant accounting. The Business Office provides Notary service to the University community. The office is located in McClain Hall 105-106. 660-785-4149. Website: dev.truman.edu/businessoffice.
—Human Resources
The Human Resources Office works to improve the recruitment, retention, productivity, and satisfaction level of the faculty and staff of Truman State University. The office develops personnel policy and procedures, facilitates search processes, coordinates employee benefits, provides opportunities for staff development, coordinates staff recognition and maintains employee records. The office is located in McClain Hall 101. Phone 660-785-4031. Website: hr.truman.edu,
—Institutional Compliance Office
The Office of Institutional Compliance is responsible for administration and enforcement of the University Non-Discrimination Policy. Any concern or complaint relating to any form of discrimination, including harassment and sexual misconduct, are addressed through the Office of Institutional Compliance. The Institutional Compliance Officer also serves as the University’s designated Title IX Coordinator. The office is located in Violette Hall. Phone 660-785-4354. Website: titleix.truman.edu/.
—Physical Plant
The Physical Plant staff offers a variety of services, including: boiler plant operation, building repair and maintenance, custodial services, grounds maintenance, key control/locksmith, moving, special event support, systems repair and maintenance, and work orders. The Physical Plant Office allows students, faculty and staff to reserve certain property (such as folding tables or chairs) for events on campus. The Office is located in the General Services Building 206. Phone 660-785-4200. Fix-It Line 660-785-4687. physicalplant.truman.edu.
—Public Relations
The Public Relations Office works with the members of the internal Truman community, as well as external audiences, to raise awareness of the University and its activities. Some of the primary public relations duties include developing news articles and press releases, assisting with media interviews and press conferences, connecting media with University experts, maintaining the University’s master calendar and posting campus announcements on TruView. In addition, they publish the weekly campus newsletter, Truman Today, which is emailed every Monday afternoon to all Truman students, faculty and staff. The Public Relations Office assists all members of the campus community in publicizing their campus events as well as individual University-related accomplishments. The Public Relations Office is located in McClain Hall 202; 660-785-4016, pr@truman.edu.
The Publications Office provides design services for University offices and organizations. They design magazines, posters, brochures, business cards, letterhead, booklets, newsletters, invitations, logos, postcards, flyers, t-shirts, mugs, advertisements, table tents, and more. This office oversees the use of the University’s logos and trademarks to ensure that they are used to promote Truman as a leading liberal arts and sciences university. For information on Truman’s Logo and Style Guide, check out identity.truman.edu. The Publications Office is located in Barnett Hall 2220 and can be reached at 660-785-4129, publications@truman.edu. Additional information may be found at publications.truman.edu.
The Office of the Registrar is responsible for assisting students in scheduling classes, maintaining academic records and transcripts, processing enrollment verifications and transcript requests, approving and evaluating transfer credit, maintenance and use of Degree Works, editing and publishing the University Catalog, planning Commencement ceremonies, and verifying completion of graduation requirements. The Registrar’s Office is located in McClain Hall 104. You can contact the staff in the Registrar’s Office at dev.truman.edu/registrar/ or by calling 660-785-4143.
—Student Life
The Office of Student Life is responsible for the staffing, planning, leadership, and program coordination for departments and service areas included in Student Life: Fraternity and Sorority Life, ID Office, Office of Citizenship and Community Standards, Serve Center, Student Health Center, Student Recreation Center, Student Union, Union and Involvement Services, University Counseling Services, and Women’s Resource Center. Student Life serves as a liaison between the needs, interests and concerns of students and those of the administration. Student Life also coordinates the University’s response to student-related incidents and crises. Student Life has primary responsibility for student conduct and responds to all reports of misconduct and violations of the Student Conduct Code. The office also responds to student concerns. The Office is located in Student Union Building 3100. Phone 660-785-4111. Website: dev.truman.edu/student-affairs/.
All hours listed apply only when regular classes are in session
- Administrative Offices:
Hours for all administrative offices on campus Monday-Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm - Union and Involvement:
Monday-Thursday: 8 am-5:30 pm
Friday: 8 am-5 pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
School Holidays: Closed - Cashiers Window:
- Monday-Friday: 10 am-12 pm and 1-3 pm
- Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday, 10 am-12 pm and 1-3 pm
- Campus Dining
View hours for Dining Services>> - Pickler Memorial Library:
View Library Hours>> - Ticket Window:
Monday-Friday: 9:30 am-3:30 pm - Student Health Center:
View Student Health Center Hours >>
NOTE: A scheduled appointment is necessary for health center services - Student Recreation Center:
View Recreation Center Hours>> - Truman Bookstore:
View Bookstore Hours>> - University Counseling Services:
View University Counseling Services Hours >>
TruView is Truman’s campus portal. The portal gives you one destination for access to many different kinds of information. TruView contains the student email and personal calendar systems, communication tools for groups and organizations, campus news and events and personalized access to your student records.
—Student Affairs
The Vice President for Student Affairs is responsible for the staffing, planning, leadership and program coordination for the many departments and service areas included in Student Affairs, listed below:
- Career Center
The mission of the Career Center is to creatively provide comprehensive internship, career and graduate/professional school services and resources for students, alumni, employers and the University community. The Career Center assists in exploring career paths compatible with individual strengths, personality, interests and values, and in investigating internships, full-time employment and graduate school possibilities. The Career Center also coordinates on-campus interviews, sponsors career and graduate school expos, posts job and internship opportunities and offers workshops on a wide variety of career-related topics. An extensive print and online resource library provides students with information on an array of career-related topics. Students are invited to drop in for individualized assistance ranging from career coaching and critiquing résumés to conducting mock interviews. The Career Center is located in SUB 1110, phone 660-785-4353, email career.truman.edu - Food Services – Sodexo
Sodexo provides campus dining services to all cafeterias, convenience stores (located in West Campus Suites and Dobson Hall), and the Main Street Food Court in the Student Union Building. Cafeterias in the residence halls are open to all students, faculty, and staff. Off-campus meal plans are available to students who do not live in University housing and may be purchased at the Cashier’s window in McClain Hall. Students who live in residence halls are issued a student photo identification card which they must bring with them to each meal. Students living in the residence halls and the Campbell Apartments have several meal plan options.With any meal plan, you may purchase additional Flex Dollars in $100 increments. The Flex Dollars (dining dollars) are additional funds that can be used any time and at any retail or residence hall location. Also available to all students, faculty and staff is a declining balance program called Bonus Bucks. Bonus Bucks may be purchased from the Food Service Office in increments of $25. Bonus Bucks can be used in the residence hall cafeterias, the Main Street of the Student Union Building or at the Convenience Stores.
The Sodexo Office is located in the Student Union Building room 2102, phone 660-785-4197, website: truman.sodexomyway.com/.
- ID Office
The Truman ID Card is the official identification card for every student, faculty, and staff member at Truman State University. It offers students a convenient, easy, and safe way to utilize campus services. Truman ID cards serve as university identification, library cards, Recreation Center access cards, meal plans and bonus bucks, and residence hall access cards. Lost or stolen ID’s should be reported to the ID Office. The ID Office is located in Missouri Hall 1100 and open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:45 pm, phone 660-785-4123, website idoffice.truman.edu. - Interfaith Center
The Interfaith Center, located in Baldwin Hall 113, provides a space for religious organizations, individual students and faculty to meet, meditate and practice their ideologies in a safe, open environment. The center is equipped with tables and chairs allowing for meetings of student religious organizations, lockers for students to place their organization’s supplies, a growing library of texts about spirituality and different faiths, and a meditation room that can be used for reflection, meditation or prayer. Open: Monday through Friday 1-5 pm, phone (660) 785-7568, website interfaith.truman.edu/ - Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI)
The CDI provides educational programming that helps students, staff, and faculty, to understand past and current issues as they relate to diversity. The CDI also strives to provide a support system for students by creating a campus environment that nurtures Latino, African American, Native American and Asian American students academically, socially, culturally, and personally. The CDI encourages students to not only celebrate individual and collective differences in an effort to spread the appreciation of diversity campus-wide, but also promotes the ideal of our shared community. Academically through its programs, the CDI hopes that students will: acquire the necessary tools and strategies to successfully navigate Truman, build critical relationships for academic success, and identify their individual learning styles and personality types. The CDI offers a wide variety of opportunities for students to take advantage of to acquire these tools, such as tutoring, study hall, and academically motivated organizations. The CDI also offers numerous programs each month that celebrate cultural connections. The CDI is located in Baldwin Hall, phone (660) 785-4142, website: diversity.truman.edu. - Residence Life
As part of Truman State University, Residence Life (ResLife) fosters the development of respect, responsibility, and accountability in our students. Within safe, comfortable, and intellectually engaging living communities, we nurture students to become productive citizens and life-long scholars. The ResLife Office manages all living learning environments on campus, including Blanton Nason Brewer Hall, Centennial Hall, Dobson Hall, Missouri Hall, Ryle Hall, West Campus Suites, and Campbell Apartments. Each residence hall comes with its own staff that’s extensively trained to help create a smooth transition from high school to college, specifically living in a new community. The Residence Life Handbook contains additional information on the following: deposits, Hall Code of Conducts, Payments for Room and Board, Policies, Resources, Room Measurements, Terms and Conditions of Residence, and Amenities. The Residence Life Office is located in Missouri Hall 1100, phone 660-785-4227, website reslife.truman.edu. - Student Health Center
The Student Health Center (SHC) is staffed by nurse practitioners, registered nurses, a family practice physician and a medical receptionist. It is located mid-campus in the McKinney Center. Visits to the SHC are on an appointment basis and appointments may be scheduled online. Services include preventive care such as immunizations, well-woman exams and physicals, as well as care for acute and chronic illnesses and minor injuries. Insurance billing is provided as a service for students when they present their insurance card at the time of the visit. For the convenience of our students, no fees are assessed at the time of the student’s visit. Rather, all outstanding balances including copays, unmet deductibles and services not covered by insurance are billed to the student’s general university account. Clinic hours are Monday-Friday 8am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm, phone 660-785-4182, website studenthealth.truman.edu - Student Recreation Center
Campus Recreation provides programs, facilities, and services for enhancing the health and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. The Fitness/Wellness Program offers wellness workshops, personal training, and a myriad of noncredit classes from yoga to martial arts and dance. Intramural Recreational Sports sponsors healthy competition in individual and team sport activities. The Student Recreation Center contains many areas for self-directed activities: three-court hardwood floor gym, jogging track, aerobics/dance studio, auxiliary gym with multipurpose floor, and a weight room and fitness areas filled with cardio training machines, free and functional strength training equipment. The Student Recreation Center is an auxiliary operation supported primarily by student fees. Phone 660-785-4847, website recreation.truman.edu/ - Student Union Building
The Student Union Building serves as a community center for Truman State University. Affectionately nicknamed “the SUB”, the Union fulfills its community role by supporting programs, meetings and providing opportunities for dining, relaxation and personal development. Union and Involvement (U&I), located in SUB 2000, is the main administrative office and serves as the nerve center for the Union. The SUB is one of the main places for campus members to reserve space, from campus rooms to publicity tables. You can always find centralized events taking place in the SUB, from Fireside Fridays to an all-campus blood drive to student publicity tables. In addition to being a programmatic space, there are many resources in the building. Mainstreet Market is located on the main floor and is open seven days a week (not all concepts are open all days). The Information Center, located in the main concourse of the Student Union Building, can help you send or receive a fax, purchase stamps, or have copies made. The building also houses the following offices: Truman Bookstore, the Vice President for Student Affairs, Office of Citizenship and Community Standards, Career Center, Student Senate, Student Activities Board, Funds Allotment Council, the Women’s Resource Center, and the SERVE Center. Phone 660-785-4186, email su01@truman.edu, website union.truman.edu/. - Union and Involvement (U&I)
Union and Involvement (U&I) encompasses the operations of the Student Union Building and supports students in their out-of-classroom experiences. From organizational development to on-campus reservations to Greek Life, to advising the Homecoming Committee, Greek Week Committee and the three fee-based organizations, the U&I provides opportunities to develop leadership skills, personal skills, citizenship, social responsibility, a sense of ownership of the University and recognition of accomplishments. The U&I also hosts campus-wide programs, including Fireside Fridays and the Truman Tonight late night event series. The U&I strives to promote and provide quality programs, services and resources that enhance the co-curricular experience on Truman’s campus. The U&I is located on the main floor of the Student Union Building, Room 2000, phone (660) 785-4222, website involvement.truman.edu, email union@truman.edu, social media Facebook (@TrumanInvolvement), Instagram (@TrumanInvolvement), Twitter (@TrumanInvolved). - Truman Bookstore
Your Truman Bookstore, located in the lower level of the Student Union Building, has a wide variety of services available. Our online store utilizes a nationwide inventory system and offers used, new, rental or digital text. To maximize the value students get on their textbooks, we provide the most money-savings options in town, all available through one simple link on View My Detailed Schedule on TruView. At the end of the semester, we’ll buy your books back for cash. At the bookstore you can find your Purple Friday gear, school spirit items, as well as any school supplies you may need for class. We also carry convenience items including snacks and incidentals, greeting cards and gifts. Check out our website for great deals on Dell and HP computers as well as student discounts on software. A percentage of every sale goes back to Truman. Email bookstore@truman.edu, phone 660-785-4211, website truman.bncollege.com//. - University Counseling Services
University Counseling Services (UCS) at Truman State University is part of the Student Affairs program and offers supportive services to the students, faculty and staff of the University. The UCS staff is a team of mental health professionals dedicated to the enhancement of the worth, dignity, potential and uniqueness of each individual. UCS maintains, facilitates and advocates an environment conducive to personal health, growth and development. UCS offers screening appointments, individual counseling, group counseling, relationship counseling and consultations. UCS is located in the McKinney Center (next to the Student Health Center). Open Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm by appointment only, phone: 660-785-4014/after-hours crisis phone 660-665-562, website ucs.truman.edu. - Women’s Resource Center
The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) works to broaden the minds of the campus community by providing programs, services, and facilities to meet the educational, personal, physical, and safety needs of students on campus. The WRC’s staff seeks to encourage the development of self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-confidence, promoting leadership opportunities, and serve as a catalyst for change. The WRC also works to maintain an updated library of books, videos, and other resource materials that reflect the most up-to-date information on women’s and gender issues. The WRC is located on the lower level of the Student Union Building, phone 660-785-7224, website wrc.truman.edu.
Business Academic Advising Center
The academic advisors in the School of Business work with business administration and accounting majors. Advisors in the BAAC serve as a source of information concerning university and School of Business resources, procedures, and policies. The BAAC assists students with issues such as setting goals, selecting courses, scheduling and registering, exploring the accounting and business programs, and investigating career ideas. Advisors are available to consult with students, advisors, and faculty both within and outside of the School of Business. The BAAC is located in Violette Hall 2413.
Phone 660-785-4303
Website: dev.truman.edu/academics/school-of-business-and-professional-studies/
Center for International Education/Study Abroad
The Center for International Education/Study Abroad supports the liberal arts and sciences mission in providing academic programs for nearly all disciplines taught on the campus. Study Abroad opportunities are available in 63 countries with 503 programs around the world accessible to students regardless of their levels in a foreign language. The center is located in Baldwin Hall, email studyabroad@truman.edu, website studyabroad.truman.edu.
Cashier Window
The Cashier Window is available to help Truman students conduct various financial transactions. Cashiers are responsible for processing tuition payments, receiving loan payments, and cashing checks. Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-3 p.m. Summer hours: Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
The window is located in McClain Hall 105, phone 660-785-4160, website businessoffice.truman.edu/cashiers.
Computer Labs
Open Academic Computer Labs are located in Pickler Memorial Library and Violette Hall 2000. Library locations include the first-floor lobby and PML 312. Eleven group study rooms are available in the PML 312 area; keys may be checked out at the Library Service Desk. There are also labs or student kiosk machines in all of the Residence Halls which are open 24/7. Website its.truman.edu/software-and-labs.
Full-service copy machines are located in the Information Center in the Student Union Building and in Pickler Memorial Library. Scanners can be found in the Library. Website: library.truman.edu/print-scan-copy/
Student Access and Disability Services
The mission of the Student Access and Disability Services office is to ensure that all students with disabilities can choose to actively participate in all areas of University life; to provide and coordinate support services and programs that help students with disabilities to maximize their educational potential and to increase the level of awareness among all members of the University so that students with disabilities are able to perform at a level limited only by their abilities, not their disabilities. Information regarding the procedure to be used by university departments and organizations when requesting auxiliary aids and services (such as sign language interpreters, real-time captioning and assistive listening devices) can be found disabilityservices.truman.edu/disability-services-home/sign-language-interpreter/.
To apply for accommodations, a student will need to submit the appropriate documentation to Student Access and Disability Services. Accommodations are available for students with a documented disability. Visit the website for additional information at: disabilityservices.truman.edu/. If you have questions, please contact the the Student Access and Disability Services Director. Disability Services is located in Pickler Memorial Library 109A.
Edwin C. Carpenter Language Learning Center
The Language Learning Center (LLC) is designed to help students in their acquisition of foreign languages and aid professors in their teaching. The LLC offers two teaching/learning environments:
- Foreign Language Labs (McClain Hall 302 & 304)
- Foreign Language Peer Learning Labs. (Baldwin Hall 210 & 216)
Phone 660-785-4416, website llc.truman.edu | View Hours
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid Office provides information to students concerning financial assistance. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) results are processed through this office to determine federal, state, and some University eligibility. Questions about grants, loans, scholarships, and work programs are answered by this office. Some of the other areas covered are private scholarship check processing, financial literacy, budgeting, study abroad funding, loan counseling, and scholarship service and renewal. The Financial Aid Office is located in McClain Hall 103, phone 660-785-4130, email finaid@truman.edu, website financialaid.truman.edu.
Fix-It Line
Students may call the Fix-It line for repairs needed to residence hall rooms.
Phone: 660-785-46876.
Online Request Form: servicerequest.truman.edu/Login.aspx.
Information Technology Services (ITS)
ITS provides a wide variety of technology support and services to students, faculty and staff. A sample of the services includes, but is not limited to: local network and Internet access, email, web site development, audiovisual and computer equipment checkout and support, Help Desk services, computer labs, assistance during move-in, and telephone and voice mail services (if desired).
IT Service Center – its.truman.edu/servicecenter
The Help Desk is the central point of contact for service requests and problems or questions concerning technology on campus.
There are several ways to contact the Help Desk:
- Phone: 660-785-4544
- Walk-in Pickler Memorial Library, Room 109
Quick Links to Useful Resources
- its.truman.edu/labs
Find the hours of operation for the ITS computer labs, locations of available computers and printers, and instructions for mapping a lab printer for personal use. - its.truman.edu/resnet
Go here to find the technology services and resources available to students. - its.truman.edu
Along with the latest IT news and updates, one can find many IT resources including documentation, purchasing information, frequently asked questions, policies and procedures, and general information about the IT services available on campus as well as search functions for information and people. Service or maintenance announcements are also posted to the ITS website.
To ensure the security and protection of the campus community, there are rules about what you can and cannot do on the University network and computers. Please review Truman policies, including the Acceptable Use Policy, at its.truman.edu/policies. Any violators of these policies (including sharing of copyrighted materials such as music and movies) will be subject to disciplinary action.
Information Center
The Information Center provides directions, information and answers to a variety of questions concerning campus and the local area for students, faculty, staff and visitors. Campus maps and various campus and area brochures are available here. Also, students may send or receive a fax, purchase stamps, print or have copies made. Students can also pick up Lyceum tickets here with their student IDs. The Student Union Lost and Found is also located at the Information Desk. The Information Center is located in the main concourse of the Student Union Building, across from Mainstreet Market, phone 660-785-4636, website union.truman.edu/information-center/.
Center for International Students
The Center for International Students encompasses both International Admissions and International Student Support. Their mission is to recruit a diverse and highly qualified international student population and empower them to be successful at Truman and throughout their lives. The staff of the CIS includes Director Melanee Crist, Assistant Director Michael Cummings, International Admissions Coordinator Brittney Robinson and International Student Advisor Nicole Stelter. The professional staff is assisted by two interns and 75 student assistants organized into teams. The CIS teams include the International Ambassadors, Cultural Integration Leaders, Academic Success Mentors, Recruitment and Admission Team, Media Team, Student Support Team, Conversation Help at Truman and Student Support Team. The CIS also supports several cultural student organizations and cultural events on campus.
The Center for International Students is located in Baldwin Hall 104 and is open every Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm, phone 660-785-4215, email intladmit@truman.edu for admission and iso01@truman.edu for student support services.
Lost and Found
The central lost and found is housed by the Department of Public Safety.
Phone 660-785-4176.
Parking Services
All vehicles parked in University parking lots are required to obtain and properly display a valid permit. The purchase of a University parking permit/decal does not guarantee the holder a particular parking place on campus. The permit/decal must be permanently affixed to the outside of the rear window lower-left corner (driver’s side back glass).
Registration for parking decals is completed via your TruView home page. Go to the lower right-hand channel labeled “Update and View My Personal Information”. Verify that your local address is correct and verify your telephone numbers and permanent address. Select “Register My Vehicle” and complete the required fields — specifically your vehicle description and license plate number.
Please allow three (3) business days for processing your parking decal registration at the beginning of each semester. At other times throughout the semester, allow one day for the request to be processed.
Parking decals are distributed from Parking Services with the Department of Public Safety located in the General Services Building, located at the southeast corner of Franklin & Patterson. Parking Services hours for parking decal distribution are 8 am- 2:30 pm Monday thru Friday. For more specifics about the Parking Rules and Regulations visit Parking Services.
Student Research Office
The mission of the Office of Student Research (OSR) serves as a central resource for student research, scholarship, and creative activities at Truman State University. The role of the OSR is to promote, facilitate, highlight, and assess faculty-mentored student research at the University across all disciplines. The OSR supports student research at the University in four areas: academic year research, summer research, research conference travel, and publications, presentations, and publicity. OSR is located in Magruder 3132, email osr@truman.edu, website osr.truman.edu.
Center for Academic Excellence
The Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) provides students with academic advisors to assist with registration and academic planning, but we can also help with any of your questions about Truman, higher education, and the transition from high school to college and from college to the rest of your life. You may also book a tutor or sign up to tutor other students on the CAE website. The Center for Academic Excellence is located on the first floor of the Pickler Memorial Library 108, phone 660-785-7403, website excellence.truman.edu/.
Writing Center
The Truman State University Writing Center provides all writers on the Truman State University campus with a comfortable environment for conversations about writing. The Writing Center strives to help writers become better writers. The Writing Center consultants work with writers at all levels of competence, from all disciplines, and at any stage of the writing process—generating ideas, drafting, revising, and editing. They also share ideas about writing strategies and techniques. The Writing Center is located in Pickler Memorial Library 107B, phone 660-785-4484, website writingcenter.truman.edu.
Honors Scholar Program
The Honors Scholar Program recognizes Truman students who wish to distinguish themselves beyond Truman’s already demanding standards, by pursuing an even more rigorous and academically challenging path.. ALL Truman students are eligible to participate.
Honors Scholar courses come from outside a student’s own major and explore interesting and in-depth topics taken by majors in other fields of study. Rich interaction and ongoing dialogue between professors and students, special attention to the development of advanced oral and written communication, as well as critical thinking, foster intense engagement with the material far beyond the mere transfer of information.
Honors Scholar in the Arts and Sciences shall be awarded to graduating seniors who have completed five approved courses, with at least one course from each of the areas of mathematics, science, humanities, and social science, and with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 and a 3.5 average in their five honors scholar courses. For more information regarding program requirements, visit honors.truman.edu.
Leadership Recognition Program
The Leadership Recognition Program (LRP) is designed to honor Truman students, advisors and organizations for their dedication to their peers, campus and Kirksville community through various leadership roles during the year. Students, faculty and staff may nominate an exceptional student leader, advisor, organization or event. The LRP is sponsored by Union and Involvement (U&I) in the Student Union.
Website:, involvement.truman.edu/leadership-recognition-program/
Phone: 660-785-4222
Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program
Truman’s McNair Program prepares first-generation, income-eligible students and underrepresented minority students to succeed in graduate school and to attain research doctorate degrees by involving them in undergraduate research, mentoring, and other activities; assisting them in graduating from college and enrolling in graduate school; and supporting them in the completion of doctoral studies. McNair Program participants work with program staff and faculty mentors who help them develop and fulfill educational and research goals. Students participate in paid summer research internships after their sophomore and junior years and focus on graduate school placement during their senior year. For more information and applications, visit mcnair.truman.edu or www.facebook.com/trumanstatemcnair.
Phone: 660-785-5393
Email: mcnair@truman.edu
TruScholars Summer Undergraduate Research Program
The purpose of the TruScholars program is to foster collaborative faculty-student research to enhance student learning and promote the culture of research, scholarship, and creative activities at the University by providing stipends to students completing summer research. Projects supported by this program should exhibit the potential for scholarly publication, presentation at a regional or national conference, or creative performance. The formal part of the TruScholars program will coincide with the eight-week Summer Semester. During this time, students devote full-time effort to their project and work with faculty mentors for consultation and collaboration. The TruScholars Program is available to full-time students in all disciplines. Students must have completed their freshman year, be in good academic standing, and cannot be summer graduates. The TruScholars program is sponsored by the Office of Student Research.
Website: osr.truman.edu/truscholars.
Grants in Aid of Scholarship and Research
The purpose of the Grants-in-Aid of Scholarship and Research (GIASR) program is to promote a culture of research, scholarship, and creative activity at Truman, while providing the flexibility to accommodate different research styles and requirements. Projects supported by this program should involve original research but may encompass a variety of activities including obtaining preliminary data or information, exploring new topics, and continuing ongoing projects. The Office of Student Research awards these small grants (up to $750 each) every semester.
Website: osr.truman.edu/grants-in-aid-of-scholarship-and-research/
Student Research Conference
Truman State University recognizes the importance of student scholarly work in every field of study. The Student Research Conference is an annual opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to present the research they have conducted under the guidance of University faculty. Students at all academic levels, including freshman and graduate students, may present their scholarly work at the annual conference. The Student Research Conference is held every Spring semester. The Student Research Conference is sponsored by Office of Student Research.
Website: osr.truman.edu/src/
Military Science/ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps)
Truman State University’s Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) is a first-class leadership development program offering an unparalleled opportunity for personal development. It is a minor in leadership that compliments any academic field of study. The program requires only a few hours each week and offers hands-on leadership and management training that develops the confidence and discipline needed to succeed in any field. Students are prepared for success. Truman graduates receive not only a degree but also a commission as an officer in the U.S. Army. Assignment into the Reserves may also be guaranteed and allows the pursuit of a civilian career.
ROTC is one of the nation’s leading sources of college scholarships (2, 3, and 4 yr). These scholarships are awarded on merit, not financial need. Army ROTC Scholarships pay full tuition or room and board and on-campus educational expenses—plus a flat rate ($1200 yearly) for textbooks, classroom supplies and materials. Scholarship students also receive a $300-$500 stipend per school month for the duration of their scholarship. This adds up to $47,200-$68,800 worth of education money depending on in-state or out-of-state status and duration of scholarship.
Questions regarding the curriculum, career and employment opportunities, scholarships, and activities can be directed to Mr. Justin Hirniak, located in the ROTC Office, Barnett Hall 2231
Phone 660-785-4453
Website: militaryscience.truman.edu
University Organizations
At Truman, students have an abundance of involvement opportunities to explore. While membership eligibility varies based upon the particular organizations, all students are encouraged to explore all their particular interests and find quality out of classroom experiences to take advance of. The U&I keeps an updated, inclusive list of all currently chartered student organizations at involvement.truman.edu/studentorgs/student-organizations-list/
Statement of Nondiscrimination
In compliance with federal law and applicable Missouri statutes, Truman State University is committed to providing equal opportunities in our employment and learning environments. Truman therefore informs its faculty, staff, student body, contractors and guests that Truman prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, age, sexual orientation or veteran status in its programs and activities as required by equal opportunity/affirmative action regulations and laws and university policies and rules.
- Statement on Nondiscrimination
- University Nondiscrimination Policy
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Nondiscrimination Reporting and Resolution Procedure
The University complies with the regulations implementing Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; and other state and federal laws and regulations.
Inquiries: Inquiries concerning the University’s compliance may be referred to the Institutional Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator, Violette Hall 1308; 100 East Normal Avenue, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO 63501. Telephone: 660-785-4354.
Inquiries may also be directed to Office for Civil Rights via its website: OCR.kansascity@ed.gov. Approved and Adopted by the Board of Governors December 1, 2012.
Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities
Persons with disabilities may obtain information as to the existence and location of services, activities and facilities of the University that are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities by contacting the persons identified below.
Employees and job applicants with disabilities who seek information related to their work should contact the Office of Human Resources, Melissa Garzanelli, Director, 101 McClain Hall, 100 East Normal Avenue, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO 63501. Telephone: 660-785-4031.
Students with disabilities who seek information related to their academic program should contact the Student Access and Disability Services Office, Pickler Memorial Library 109A, 100 East Normal Avenue, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO 63501. Telephone: 660-785-4478.
Other persons with disabilities who seek information as to the existence and location of University services, activities or facilities should contact Traci Hill in the Office of the President at 200 McClain Hall, 100 East Normal Avenue, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO. Telephone: 660-785-4101. Approved and Adopted December 11, 2012.
Educational Rights and Privacy
The University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and thereby treats student educational records in a confidential manner. The University discloses information from a student’s educational record only with the student’s written consent, except as permitted by law. Permitted disclosures include University personnel who have a legitimate educational interest, officials of other institutions in which a student seeks enrollment, federal and state educational authorities under certain circumstances, officials connected with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid, parents of a dependent student, persons named in a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, and appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency.
Email Accounts
Each currently enrolled student is provided with an email address that is considered their official campus email address during their enrollment at Truman. Students are expected to check this email address regularly or ensure that their campus email is forwarded to a reliable address that is checked regularly. Students are responsible for all information sent to their official campus email address from the University.
Policy for a Drug-Free and Alcohol-Free Campus
Truman endorses the following statement of policy to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. “The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited on all property owned or operated by the University, herein referred to as the University campus. The manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of intoxicating beverages is also prohibited on the University campus, except in accordance with a written policy promulgated, approved and published by the President of the University, such policy to describe the times, places and purposes for the distribution, dispensing and possession or use of intoxicating beverages on the University campus. The presence of persons under the influence of unlawful drugs or intoxicating beverages, regardless of where the use or consumption of such drugs or beverages may have occurred, is also prohibited on the University campus. Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, and any student who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the University. As a condition of their employment, due to the University’s receipt of federal grants, employees of the University, both full-time and part-time, 1) must abide by the prohibition against controlled substances, and 2) must notify the University, no later than five days after their conviction, of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring on the campus.” Code of Policies of the Board of Governors, section 16.030.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
- Code of Policies of the Board of Governors (Sec. 8.050 and Sec. 16.030, Code of Policies): The following acts are prohibited and any student found to have committed, to have attempted to commit, or to have willfully aided or abetted these acts of misconduct is subject to disciplinary sanctions. Public intoxication on University premises or use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages on University premises, when such use, possession or distribution is prohibited by law or University regulations. Use, possession or distribution of narcotic or other controlled substances, except as expressly permitted by law.
- Applicable Legal Sanctions: Illicit drug purchase, possession and use is a crime under state and federal law. The Kirksville City Code and Missouri law prohibit a variety of alcohol related conduct, including the purchase or possession of alcohol by one under 21 years of age. Violations of law are punishable by fines, imprisonment or both.
- Health Risks: Numerous health risks are associated with the use of illicit drugs or the abuse of alcohol. Repeated use of either drugs or alcohol can lead to dependence. Use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol causes a substantial number of health problems and can be fatal. Contact the Student Health Center in the McKinney Center (785-4182) for a complete description of the health risks associated with use of illicit drugs and alcohol abuse.
- Available University Services: Students and employees seeking additional information about the effects of drug or alcohol use or seeking assistance for alcohol or drug related problems should contact the Student Health Center (785-4182) or University Counseling Services (785-4014) for referral information. Employees seeking information regarding benefit coverage and/or the employee assistance program may contact the Human Resources Generalist (785-4031).
- Sanctions: Disciplinary sanctions will be imposed on students and employees for violations of the University policy governing illicit drugs and alcohol. Sanctions may range from referral for rehabilitation to expulsion, termination of employment and referral for prosecution.
- Further information: For further information about drug and alcohol issues or to receive a more complete description of the health risks associated with drug use and alcohol abuse and the relevant legal sanctions, contact the Student Health Center in the McKinney Center (785-4182).
Harassment Policy
It is the policy of Truman State University that no person shall be subject to harassment on account of their sex, disability, age, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status.
Harassment is generally defined as conduct (whether physical, verbal, graphic or written) which is related to a person’s status in one of the protected classes listed above and which is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment for working or learning, thereby interfering with or limiting the ability of that person to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or privileges provided by the University.
Disability harassment constitutes prohibited discrimination based on disability. (examples: students who tease or ridicule or taunt other students because of their disability and employees who refuse to meet a disabled student’s approved accommodation needs may be in violation of this policy.)
Sexual harassment constitutes prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex and is more particularly described in the University’s Sexual Harassment Procedures. (examples: students who taunt another student with sexual comments or demands or an employee who directs sexual comments towards a particular student may be in violation of this policy.)
Racial harassment constitutes prohibited discrimination on the basis of race. (examples: students who direct racial epithets toward another student on account of their race or employees who give disparate treatment to a student on account of their race may be in violation of this policy.)
Examples provided in the above paragraphs are intended to be for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be all inclusive.
If an employee of the University (administrator, teacher or staff) receives a report or becomes aware of disability, sexual or racial harassment or if an employee of the University receives a report or becomes aware of harassment related to any of the protected classes of persons listed above, the employee will report this to either his/her supervisor or to Melissa Garzanelli, Human Resources Director, McClain Hall 101, 100 East Normal Avenue, Truman State University, Kirksville, Mo 63501; telephone (660) 785-4031, who shall ensure that such report shall be immediately investigated and disciplinary action taken where appropriate.
Employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action including reprimand, suspension and dismissal from the University. Students who violate this policy are also subject to discipline pursuant to the Student Conduct Code through the office of Student Affairs and such discipline may include suspension and expulsion from the University.
Employees who believe they are the subject of disability, sexual or racial harassment or other harassment in violation of this policy may make a complaint to their supervisor or to Melissa Garzanelli, Human Resources Director, McClain Hall, room 101, 100 East Normal Avenue, Truman State University, Kirksville, Mo., telephone (660) 785-4031. Students who believe they are the subject of disability, sexual or racial harassment or other harassment in violation of this policy may make a complaint to JD Smiser, Office of Citizenship and Community Standards, Student Affairs, Student Union Building 3100, 100 East Normal Avenue, Truman State University, Kirksville, Mo.; Telephone (660) 785-4111.
University residence hall staff under the supervision of the Office of Student Affairs will review any information sent by the University to parents, guardians or the spouse of any student who is seriously injured or who dies to prevent information that is racially discriminatory or racially harassing from being sent to such persons or, in the alternative, will decline to forward any information that is not inspected and approved. Approved and Adopted December 11, 2012.
Grievance Procedure
Anyone who believes they have been discriminated against on the basis of sex, disability, age, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status in violation of the University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination or who has been sexually or racially harassed in violation of the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy may make a complaint under the University’s published procedures.
COMPLAINTS If you have experienced any form of discrimination, including harassment or sexual misconduct, you can make a report by contacting the Institutional Compliance Officer, Violette Hall 1308, 100 East Normal Avenue, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO 63501; telephone (660) 785-4354, or by completing the form found at titleix.truman.edu/make-a-report/. More information about the University Non-Discrimination Policy can be found at titleix.truman.edu/university-non-discrimination-policy.
The Institutional Compliance Officer will make a responsive inquiry about any complaint received. Students who refer complaints to the Institutional Compliance Officer will typically retain control and discretion over the resolution strategy they want to attempt relating to their complaint. For more specific information about the complaint resolution procedure, including interim measures which can be implemented to address immediate concerns, please see titleix.truman.edu/complaint-reporting-resolution-procedure/.
APPEALS If either the complaining party or the party who is alleged to be in violation of the University policies objects to the recommendation of the hearing board, that person may appeal in the decision of the hearing board by so notifying the Director in writing. The appeal hearing will be conducted by the President of the University or the President’s designee (hereinafter collectively referred to as “President”). As referenced above, the parties must request an appeal within 10 days of the hearing board’s issuance of findings.
The appeal will be based on a review of the record and any objection raised by the parties regarding adherence to the process. The Director will forward the complete hearing record to the President within 15 days of the appeal request. The President will not accept evidence or hear witnesses but will review the record of the matter to determine whether the earlier hearing decision is fairly and reasonably supported by the evidence and to determine if any prejudicial error occurred in the hearing of the matter by the hearing board. The President may refer the matter back to the hearing board for additional action or fact finding if the record is deemed inadequate for any reason. The President will not issue a written determination within 30 days after the complete record is forwarded to the President. The President’s determination is final.
If at the conclusion of this process, a violation of the University’s discrimination policy is established, appropriate corrective and remedial actions will be taken.
TIME FRAME The investigation will ordinarily be completed within forty-five (45) days from the time a report or Complaint is made to the Institutional Compliance Officer. This time period may be shorter or longer depending on the circumstances, including, but not limited to, the complexity of the case, the academic calendar, and the availability of witnesses and other relevant individuals. If either the Complainant or Respondent would like to request an extension of this time frame, a request with a description of the reasons for the request should be directed to the Administrative Officer. The Institutional Compliance Officer will notify the other party, make a decision, and inform the parties and any other individual who needs to know of that decision. If extenuating circumstances are present, the Institutional Compliance Officer may decide independently to extend the forty-five (45) day time frame, and will inform the Complainant and Respondent, and any other individual who needs to know, of any such decision.
CONFIDENTIALITY Throughout the grievance procedure, all parties and participants shall remain confidentiality to the extent practicable, in a manner consistent with the principles of due process and the grievance process.
RETALIATION PROHIBITED Retaliation against a person who files a complaint of discrimination, including sexual or racial harassment, or persons who participate in related proceedings is strictly prohibited. Such retaliation shall be considered a separate offense subject to additional disciplinary process.
Approved and Adopted August 14, 2015 by Troy D. Paino, President, Truman State University
Additional Information relating to the Non-Discrimination Policy and the Complaint Reporting and Resolution procedure can be found at titleix.truman.edu .
Institutional Compliance Officer/Title IX Coordinator
The University’s compliance coordinator may be contacted at (660)785-4354 or https://titleix.truman.edu/make-a-report/.
Sexual Harassment Policy
The University has a professional, ethical and legal responsibility to provide a healthy, safe and discrimination-free living, learning, and working environment that does not interfere with the principles of free speech and academic freedom for all its members—students, faculty, staff, contractors and visitors. These goals cannot be attained when unwelcome sex-based conduct impedes equal access to education and employment. The purpose of this policy is to furnish a meaningful, fair response that ensures academic freedom and due process protections while providing the campus community with effective protections against discriminatory practices based on sex.
View Sexual Harassment Policy>
Academic Policies
Academic Dishonesty
Students are expected to do their own academic work. Any student involved in cheating on a paper, an examination or in any other form of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the class, the student’s academic program, or the University.
It is the responsibility of faculty members 1) to inspire in their students an appreciation of and a desire for honesty in academic work; 2) to discourage dishonesty and to protect the honest student; and 3) to take appropriate action in instances of dishonesty. Such action may include the reduction or elimination of a dishonest student’s score for an affected test or project, the lowering of a grade for the affected class (including the assignment of an “F” grade), or the expulsion of a student from the affected class.
Serious cases of academic dishonesty are reported by the faculty member to his or her Department Chair and to his or her Dean, who may take additional disciplinary action against the dishonest student, including suspension or expulsion from classes in the School. The Dean reports the dishonesty to the Provost, who may also report it to the Vice President of Student Affairs. The Dean may also report the dishonesty to the School in which the dishonest student is enrolled as a major; the Dean of this School may suspend or expel the student from the academic program in the major. The Vice President of Student Affairs may also suspend or expel the student from the University as outlined in the Student Conduct Code for incidents of academic dishonesty.
Disciplinary action by a faculty member for academic dishonesty may be appealed to the Dean of the faculty member’s School. Disciplinary action decisions by an academic Dean may be appealed to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for review and final decision. Disciplinary action by the Vice President of Student Affairs for academic dishonesty may be appealed through the same process as other disciplinary actions by the Vice President of Student Affairs for student misconduct.
An appeal of the instructor’s attendance policy will not be sustained unless there is clear and convincing evidence that it was applied in an unreasonable manner or is in violation of widely held ethical or legal principles.
- The University entrusts the faculty with the responsibility of determining how absences will affect student grades, recognizing that the instructor is in the best position to judge which educational activities are most critical in achieving the course’s outcome objectives. The instructor is also best suited to determine what alternate means, if any, may most closely approximate those objectives if the student is unable to participate in the original educational activity/assignment.
- University faculty must strive to ensure that all students in a given class are evaluated equitably.
- University faculties are encouraged, whenever possible, to accommodate students who must miss class for important reasons. These reasons may include family and personal emergencies, special religious observances, representing the University at an on- or off-campus event, and extraordinary opportunities that lie beyond the classroom.
- University faculty should make an attendance policy available to students in a written format within the first week of the class. The policy should be reasonably clear and help students understand how absences might affect their learning and grades. Not every eventuality can be foreseen, and the individual instructor may need to make a judgment in an individual case beyond the details outlined in this policy.
- Students are encouraged to consult with faculty about absences, in advance if possible, to resolve scheduling conflicts.
- The University community recognizes that on occasion, an Attendance Policy Appeals Committee may be called upon to review and settle disputes that result from either an inconsistent application of an instructor’s policy, or from the policy itself. Such an appeal should occur only after the student first seeks a satisfactory outcome with the instructor, and, if that fails, with the instructor’s Department Chair and then the Dean.
- Also, before any meeting with the Department Chair, Dean, or the Attendance Policy Appeals Committee, the faculty member will be asked to provide a copy of the attendance policy in question as well as documentation of the student’s attendance in the course. The faculty member will be allowed to provide input at all levels of discussion.
- If the dispute is not resolved with the instructor, the student may initiate an appeal at the departmental level no later than fourteen calendar days after the first day of class of the following semester, spring or fall. If the grievance is not resolved at the departmental level, an appeal may be submitted to the Dean of the School of the instructor no later than fourteen calendar days after receiving written notification of the Department’s decision. After receiving written notification from the School, the student may appeal to the Attendance Policy Appeals Committee within fourteen calendar days. Once final grades have been issued, a student who intends to file a grade appeal where attendance is involved needs to file grade and attendance issues together as a single appeal according to the procedures in the grade appeal policy.
Adding Classes after the Published Deadline
Students are not allowed to add full-semester or block courses after the published deadline except in extraordinary circumstances. In those circumstances, the student must submit an Add/Drop Form signed by the instructor, the academic advisor and the Department Chair of the course. After the fourth week of classes, the approval of the Dean of the School in which the course is housed is also required. (Students may add second block courses prior to the start of these courses with their advisor’s signature only.) If approved, the student must process the Add/Drop Form through the Registrar’s Office. A $50 per day processing fee is charged for changes initiated by the student after the first five days of the semester (or the equivalent period of time for summer and special sessions). A student may not drop a full-semester course and take the same course as a block course in the same semester.
Late Registration
No late registrant may enter a class after the first week of classes without consent of the instructor, advisor, and Department Chair of the course. After the fourth week of classes, the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is also required. Except in extraordinary circumstances, students may not enroll after the first five days of classes. After the first week of classes, these enrollments must be processed in person through the Registrar’s Office.
Change of Schedule Policy
Changes in class schedule should be made during the specified “Drop and Add Period” (prior to or during the first five days of the semester or the equivalent period of time for summer and special sessions). Students dropping individual courses on or after the first day of the semester are not entitled to a reduction in enrollment fees for that semester. Students should consult with their academic advisor before making any changes to their course schedules.
A $50 per day processing fee is charged for changes initiated by the student after the first five days of the semester (or the equivalent period of time for summer and special sessions). Failure to follow the proper procedure results in assignment of a grade of “F.”
If a course is dropped before the end of the fourth week, it does not appear on the student’s transcript. If a course is dropped between the end of the fourth week and the normal drop deadline (twelfth week) a grade of “W” is placed on the student’s transcript. Individual full semester courses cannot be dropped after the tenth week of the semester. See the schedule of classes for exact dates. Any drops after the schedule change deadline must be approved by the Academic Standards Committee. If this approval is granted, the instructor of record for the course is asked to assign a “W” or a “WF” grade. A grade of “WF” is calculated in the grade point average.
Courses other than a full academic semester of fifteen weeks (e.g., block or summer courses) have a “W” assigned if dropped after the first quarter of the courses, and a “W” or “WF” assigned if dropped after the first two-thirds of the courses.
Permission or Waiver to Enroll in a Course
Some specialized courses require permission of the instructor and the Department Chair before a student may enroll. Additionally, students not meeting the prerequisites, co-requisites and/or other requirements to enroll in a course may request a waiver from the Department Chair with responsibility for that course. The Department Chair has the authority to issue the waiver and permit the student to enroll.
Grades and Grade Point Average
Grades are expressed in letters, with equivalents as follows:
A | Superior | 4 honor points | ||
B | Above Average | 3 honor points | ||
C | Average | 2 honor points | ||
D | Below Average | 1 honor point | ||
F | Failure | 0 honor points | ||
WF | Withdrew Failing | 0 honor points |
The following grades do not affect a student’s grade point average (GPA):
W | Withdrew | |
P | Pass | |
AU | Audit | |
Y | Credit earned in a credit/no credit course | |
Z | No credit earned in a credit/no credit course | |
IC | Incomplete | |
IP | In Progress | |
T | Test Credit | |
NC | No Credit (generally assigned to laboratory courses) |
To compute the GPA, the total earned honor points are divided by the total semester hours attempted.
President’s List and Provost’s List
Undergraduate students who attain a semester GPA of 4.0 are named to the President’s List and undergraduates who attain a semester GPA of 3.50-3.99 are named to the Vice President for Academic Affairs’ List for that semester, provided the following conditions are met: 1) complete at least 12 semester hours fall or spring semester (or 9 hours in the summer term), and 2) receive no grades of F, WF, or IC for that semester or term. Students making the list are notified via email announcements from the Vice President for Academic Affairs and President’s offices.
Pass/Fail Courses
Some Truman courses have a Pass/Fail grading system instead of “A” to “F” grading. Primary examples of Pass/Fail courses include Truman Week and some internships. Students receive either a “P” (Pass) or “F” (Failure) grade. The “F” is calculated into the student’s GPA.
Credit/No Credit
To provide students the opportunity to broaden their experiences, Truman allows students to enroll in a limited number of classes on a Credit/No Credit basis. Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office to document selection of this grading option. The following Credit/No Credit guidelines apply.
- A student may complete “free elective” classes using the Credit/No Credit grading option. “Free electives” are those courses that are not used to fulfill requirements in the Liberal Studies Program, in the student’s major program (including required support), in the additional foreign language component for the BA, in the additional science component for the BS, minor requirements, departmental honors requirements, or honors scholar requirements. A student may not elect the Credit/No Credit grading option in courses that cannot be used as “free electives” (COMM 170, ENG 190, MATH 156, MATH 157, MATH 186, and STAT 190). Required English courses for international students may not be taken as Credit/No Credit.
- A student may complete a course that is being used to fulfill the writing-enhanced requirement, the Missouri Statute requirement, the 40 required hours of 300+ level undergraduate coursework, and/or the cumulative hour requirement using the Credit/No Credit grading option if that course is not being used to fulfill any other requirements in the student’s program.
- Credit standing is achieved by a “D” grade or above, while failing a course results in No Credit.
- A student may take up to five (5) hours per semester as Credit/No Credit. Upperclass students may request a waiver to take two courses (up to 8 hours) in a single semester. The request must be submitted in writing to the Provost’s Office, MC 203.
- Up to 12 credit hours of Credit/No Credit may be counted toward graduation.
- A student may change to or from a Credit/No Credit grading system by the last day allowed to drop the course.
- With a Credit standing, the student will receive credit for the course, and recognition of passing the course will appear on the student’s transcript.
- With a No Credit standing, the student will not receive credit for the course though the student’s transcript will show that the student attempted, yet no credit was received, for the course.
- Courses taken under the Credit/No Credit grading option will not affect the student’s grade point average.
- Courses taken under the Credit/No Credit grading option cannot be repeated.
- During the semester, only the student, the student’s advisor, and the Registrar’s Office will know that the student is taking the course on a Credit/No Credit basis.
All students should consult their advisors prior to deciding to take any course Credit/No Credit. Pre-Education students are advised that professional education courses cannot be taken Credit/No Credit. Students planning to pursue the MAE degree should contact the Certification Office in the Department of Education for specific information.
Courses taken Credit/No Credit do not fulfill requirements for load considerations by the Veterans Administration if the final grade assigned is No Credit.
Auditing Courses
A student may audit a class for no credit only on the approval of the instructor. Regular fees and enrollment procedures are required. However, the student is not permitted to take the final examination and no credits earned nor any indication of the level of performance appears on the transcript entry. Audit enrollments do not fulfill requirements for load considerations by the Veterans Administration, and they may not be applied toward the determination of full-time or part-time status.
Students auditing a course are expected to make a commitment to their education by attending classes regularly. If the auditing student fails to meet the regular attendance requirement as defined by the instructor, the instructor notifies the Registrar to record a “W” on the final grade report.
Students who initially enroll in a course for credit may be permitted to change their enrollment to audit during the free add-drop period of the semester.
During the term that a course is being audited, the audit cannot be changed to graduate or undergraduate credit. However, the student may enroll in the same course for credit during a subsequent semester. Coursework must be completed during the semester that credit is earned.
An Incomplete is to be awarded only when extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control (i.e., illness, military service, hardship, or death in the immediate family) have impeded the timely completion of requirements for a class. In order to receive a grade of “IC” (Incomplete), an agreement must be made between the student and instructor and its terms described in the “Incomplete Agreement” form. The form must be signed by both the student and the instructor and submitted to the Department Chair of record for the course for approval. A student receiving a grade of Incomplete is allowed a certain period of time (determined by the instructor, but no longer than the end of the subsequent fall or spring semester), in which he or she must complete the course requirements to receive credit. If the requirements are not met in that period, the grade becomes what has been predetermined by the instructor and specified on the Incomplete Agreement form. All “IC” (Incomplete) grades must be resolved prior to graduation.
In Progress
The grade of “IP” (In Progress) is assigned only in cases when it is expected that more than one semester is required for course completion. All “In Progress” grades must be resolved prior to graduation. The only exception to this policy, is if a graduate student is receiving two degrees; has completed all of the requirements for the first degree and the “IP” (In Progress) is being used only for the second degree, the graduate student will be allowed to graduate with the first degree.
Grade Appeals Policy
In a case where a student has a grievance regarding the validity of a final course grade, the student must first attempt to resolve the matter with the instructor, no later than fourteen calendar days after the first day of class of the following semester, spring or fall. If the instructor agrees, it is the instructor’s responsibility to fill out a Change of Grade Request, which must be approved by the instructor’s Department Chair, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA).
If the instructor does not agree to the proposed change and the student wishes to appeal, the student must fill out the Grade Appeal Form, which is available in all department and school offices, as well as from the VPAA Office. The form must be submitted to the instructor’s Department Chair no later than fourteen calendar days after the date of the instructor’s decision or within 28 calendar days of the beginning of the semester whichever is later. The Chair consults with the instructor. If the grievance is not resolved at the department level, the next step is an appeal to the faculty member’s school, to be initiated no later than fourteen calendar days after the student receives email notification of the results of the departmental process. The final phase is an appeal to the VPAA, which must be initiated no more than fourteen calendar days after the student receives written notification of the results of the appeal to the school. Final authority in regard to changing grades rests with the VPAA.
Once the process is initiated, and a Grade Appeal Form begun, it is the responsibility of each reviewing authority to review documentation forwarded by the previous reviewer, and notify all participants by email of the opportunity to present additional arguments and evidence regarding the validity of the grade; to inform the student by email of the decision; to identify the contact person for the next level of appeal; to sign/date the form, and to forward the form to the next level. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the next phase of appeal within fourteen calendar days of the date on which the reviewer’s email was sent. The student indicates her or his intention to appeal in a reply to the reviewer’s email. Expired forms – that is, where fourteen or more calendar days have elapsed since the last decision date – should be forwarded to the VPAA Office for collection and annual reporting purposes.
At the end of the process, the VPAA instructs the Registrar to alter the grade if approved. The form and its accompanying documentation are filed in the Office of the VPAA with a copy sent to the instructor of record. At the end of each academic year, VPAA Office reports, as an information item, the number of petitions received and the number approved, with a breakdown of the categories of grounds for petition. The report goes to Faculty Senate, Student Senate, and such entities as state regulations may require.
The instructor’s grade shall not be changed unless there is clear and convincing evidence that the grade was invalid or was determined in an unreasonable manner or in violation of some other established ethical or legal rule. Reasons for invalidity may include, but are not limited to, errors in computation of the grade, application of standards not specified in the syllabus, or discrimination based upon factors irrelevant to academic standards (for example, race, gender or ideology). Instructors are entitled to the widest range of discretion in making judgments about academic performance consistent with accepted measurement/assessment standards of validity.
Course Repeat Policy
The course description indicates whether a course may be repeated for credit. The description indicates how many times or how many credits can be earned by successfully completing the course. If the course is not described as repeatable, a student may only count the course once toward degree requirements and credits earned.
(Approved January 31, 2019 SB2619)
When retaking repeatable undergraduate courses, all credits earned satisfy graduation and degree requirements, and all credits are used in the calculation of a student’s GPA. Upon a student’s petition, the Registrar will replace a grade with the higher grade when both attempts of the repeatable course cover the same topic. In this case, credit for the course will be counted only once in satisfying graduation and degree requirements as well as in calculating GPA.
When retaking non-repeatable undergraduate courses, the highest grade achieved will be used in the calculation of the student’s GPA. When a non-repeatable course is retaken, both the old and new grades for all attempts will remain on the transcript. Regardless of how many times a student retakes the course, credit is only earned once, and those credits may only be used once to satisfy graduation and degree requirements and for the calculation of GPA. Students who wish to retake a course for which they have already received a C or higher must wait until the free enrollment period that occurs after all other current students have had an opportunity to enroll.
Students who wish to enroll in a non-repeatable course for which they previously earned credit and earned a grade of D or better require an override from the Office of the Registrar. Students who earned a D or an F may enroll as soon as they are eligible for registration.
Academic Standards Policy
The University has established the following academic standing categories to guide and support students in meeting minimum academic requirements to graduate. Academic standing is determined at the end of each fall, spring, and summer term. Academic standing does not change during a term if the student attempts fewer than six credits.
Academic Probation
Students who earn a semester GPA less than 2.0 are on academic probation. Students return to good standing at the end of a term in which they pass at least six credits at Truman with a semester, Truman, and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.
Academic Suspension
Students whose Truman GPA is below 2.0 and who earn semester grade point averages below 2.0 for two consecutive terms of six hours or more are suspended. Academically suspended students may not take courses at Truman. Academically suspended students must wait at least one semester before appealing to be reinstated on probation. Their appeal letter should include evidence of their capability and commitment to succeed academically, specifically noting changes which would allow the student to succeed academically if readmitted.
Students who become eligible for suspension a second time will be permanently dismissed from the University.
Suspension Appeal Policy
A student who believes that he or she had special or extenuating circumstances contributing to his or her poor academic performance has the right to appeal a suspension decision. The appeal must be in written form accompanied by supporting documentation and is to be submitted to the Director of the Center for Academic Excellence via appeals@truman.edu or c/o the Center for Academic Excellence.
Reinstatement Process
After one semester of suspension, a student may petition for reinstatement. The application must be in written form accompanied by supporting documentation, and be submitted to the Director of the Center for Academic Excellence via appeals@truman.edu or c/o the Center for Academic Excellence at least 21 days before the opening of the semester in which the student wishes to enroll. In evaluating a petition for approval, the Chair considers evidence of academic achievement (transferable credit from another college during the suspension period), any activities or plans that may lead to improved scholastic performance, the student’s grade point average, reasons for poor academic performance, and extenuating circumstances.
Withdrawal from School
Students are responsible for initiating withdrawal procedures for any term for which they are enrolled. If a student fails to withdraw from the University officially, grades earned for all courses are entered on the student’s official transcript.
Regardless of whether a student has attended any classes in the term of withdrawal, the student should officially withdraw by completing the steps covered on TruView. Under Student Data, please choose Registration, then “Withdraw from all Courses” for a selected semester.
Students may withdraw from school until the last day of regular classes. However, the deadline for withdrawing without academic penalty is the last day to drop full semester courses. After this deadline, instructors assign a “W” or “WF” in each course. If a student withdraws between the end of the fourth week and the end of the twelfth week, a grade of “W” appears on the transcript by each of the courses in which the student was enrolled. Check the Schedule of Classes or with the Registrar’s Office for exact dates.
A student who withdraws from all courses during a semester may re-enroll for the following semester without submitting an application for readmission to the Admission Office.
Medical Withdrawal
Students wishing to withdraw from a semester for medical reasons must submit an appeal to the Director of the Center for Academic Excellence or c/o the Center for Academic Excellence. The appeal and medical documentation must detail:
- diagnosis of condition being treated
- why and how this condition affected the student’s academic performance
- why the student will not take a personal leave
- measures the student is taking to ensure their future academic success in light of the diagnosis
If a medical withdrawal is approved, “W” grades will be recorded for all courses for the semester. Appeals for medical withdrawal will only be considered within one year from the end of the semester when the courses were originally enrolled.
University Conduct Codes
Student Conduct Code
The Office of Citizenship and Community Standards is charged with the administration of the Student Conduct Code. The Student Conduct Code creates an expectation of behavior that the University views as acceptable and appropriate for students and student organizations. The University recognizes the significance of students’ rights. Those rights include freedom of expression, autonomy, procedural protection, and the respect for personal integrity of all members of the community and their property. By ensuring those individual rights, the University fosters an environment conducive to students’ success and well-being. By doing so, students respect the dignity, rights and property of the University and its members.
Residence Life Policies
Residence Life has a separate conduct code applicable to the residence hall environment which operates in a complementary nature to the University Code of Conduct. Students are expected to comply with policies set out by Residence Life and the University. Conduct actions and/or monetary fines may be assessed on a daily basis when students do not comply.
Website: dev.truman.edu/residence-life/rules-and-regulations/the-rules/
Kirksville Art Association
The Kirksville Arts Association hosts month-long exhibits in their gallery. In addition, the Arts Association offers art classes and art programs for the community.
Adair County Historical Society Museum
The Historical Museum is filled with many artifacts including several pioneer items, Native American relics and arrowheads, and collections of military objects, including the cannonball that struck the courthouse in 1862 during the Battle of Kirksville.
Adair County Veterans Memorial
The Veterans Memorial, located on Highway 63, commemorates the sacrifices of area men and women who have served in the military. Alongside the Veterans’ memorial is a WW I German Howitzer as well as a Civil War Cannon.
A.T. Still National Osteopathic Museum
The museum showcases the evolution of Osteopathic Medicine from its beginnings in Kirksville until today. The collection of original documents and other artifacts spans 150 years.
The Battle of Kirksville
In 1862, Kirksville was the site of an important battle that cemented northern Missouri for the Union. The mass grave of executed Confederate soldiers is marked in the Forest Llewellyn cemetery a few blocks west of Kirksville’s Square.
The Cabins
The earliest settlement in Adair County was located near the Chariton River. This site is also the location where a conflict with Native Americans led to bloodshed further up the river.
Coal Miner’s Museum/ Novinger Log Homestead
The Coal Miner’s Museum contains coal mining items, farm antiques, and memorabilia from local businesses. Trace the history of coal mining in Northern Missouri from its peak into the mid-1900s.
Curtain Call Theatre
Kirksville’s local community theater performs several plays each year.
Exhibition of Amtrak History
Two Amtrak train baggage cars house train and Amtrak memorabilia including menus and dishes used on passenger trains.
Native American Petroglyphs
Located in Thousand Hills State Park, rock formations containing historic Native American carvings can be found in a sheltered exhibit.